
  1. I appreciate my grandmother, who unselfishly took myself and two younger brothers in when no one else would. She will be turning 79 this year, and can still run circles around me… but I know she will not be around forever. I find myself trying to remember her smile, her movements, the taste of her oh so good Sunday suppers.
  2. I appreciate my husband, so composed, so strong… yet so gentle when need be. We have been together since I was only15 years old, and I can not imagine my life without him in it.
  3. I appreciate my Three beautiful, healthy  daughters, and my one handsome son.  I know they can be brats… they are destructive… they are nerve wracking. We live in chaos and with two German Shepherds, one pig, three turtles, three fish, and one bird… it sometimes feels like we are running a zoo.  I know that one day I will look back fondly on theses times, and wish I were here again.
  4. I appreciated my father-in-law… although he passed away from lung cancer last year, he was the only person in my life to ever look me in the eyes and tell me he was proud of me. He was a father to me, and loved my family dearly, until he breathed his last.
  5. I appreciate my own father… he made some mistakes in his life, but who hasn’t? He is there for me and my brothers now, and plays a big part in my childrens lives.
  6. I appreciate my Bible, and the sight and knowledge to be able to read and receive the Word of God.  I have been through many different things in my life, but the one thing that remains true is that I can always find my answers in this good book.
  7. I appreciate my job. I might get tired, I might get frustrated at times… but there are many people out there right now who do not have jobs, and I am grateful that I do.
  8. I appreciate my talents. I am crafty to God be the glory… I appreciate that I am able to have a shop (Angel Divine Creations) to help our income a bit.
  9. I appreciate my Country… and that I was born in these states, where I have the freedom to learn, and express myself. I appreciate the courageous men and women who give of themselves to preserve that freedom for myself and my children.
  10. I appreciate that I have a sense of right and wrong, that I have a soul, and for the trials I have gone through in my life… for they have molded me into the person I am today… a person who appreciates.

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