Post Easter Happiness

This morning my heart over flows with thanksgiving:

  1. Grateful to share the wonder and glory of the Easter church service and music with my daughter, not once but at two services!
  2. So blessed to have both my children around me as we share the traditional feast
  3. Watching them battle it out over Mario Cart Wii and seeing my 14 year old daughter kick the pants of my 20 year old son
  4. Their glee at their Easter baskets – who said the Easter Bunny was for the young?
  5. Daffodils that line the streets of my town – their lion faces strong and mighty against the relenting rain
  6. Staying up late to watch an exciting movie (The Town) with my son – the fact that he stayed to “hang” with his mom instead of rushing back to his new digs, an especially wonderful gift
  7. Hugs – real hugs, not those “when will this be over?” lame hugs but real “I love you” hugs from my children
  8. Getting the queen size box springs precariously strapped to the top of my van safely 20 miles to my son’s new home in a heavy wind storm even though it meant this old body had to climb in through the van window and drive those same 20 miles holding onto the boxspring with one arm out the window and the other hanging onto the ever slackening rope with the other while driving with my knees and praying the whole way. Talk to my son – he is the very grateful one! He was driving behind keeping watch.
  9. Finishing a big customer project at 1am so I can stop dreaming about it and get some well deserved, albeit short, sleep
  10. The prospect of coffee this morning with a dear friend who is soon to move very far away. Looking forward to a long gossip.

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