
1)  sushi rolls that roll just right
2)  the adorable little tea party that my girls orchestrated for me under the big oak tree.  Such sweetness
3)  hormones running amok today–knowing not to take anything too seriously and to be super gentle with myself
4)  a lovely walk with my old doggie
5)  intense laughter at my girls attempting to sing a song in French–pretty hilarious
6)  having the ability to be the observer of my wild emotions today without getting too entirely attached
7)  being able to find the humor even when I feel like kicking something (or someone)
8)  eating the sushi rolls that rolled just right
9)  the smell of freshly cut grass
10) blooming rhododendrons
11) this space.  I love coming here knowing all of you beauties are on the receiving end

2 thoughts on “Goodness

  1. Yes, we are grateful to hear and learn from you Julia. I was commenting yesterday about the smell of freshly cut grass and my white rhodies in the backyard.
    Sushi isn’t my thing but lots of people love it. Thanks for sharing.

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