Today I am grateful for…

  1. waking up and remembering that I am a child of God.
  2. feeling out of sorts with feelings seemingly attached to no particular happenings or events and knowing that God has got me covered.
  3. knowing that Transformation always has a positive outcome.
  4. feeling the fear and “doing it” anyway.
  5. goosebumps.
  6. Bobbette – who is one of the most spiritual people I know.
  7. Joey – who inadvertently teaches me so many lessons.
  8. My freshly painted white front door.
  9. That I have a home and can offer space and comfort to my friend who is coming with her children for her mothers funeral.
  10. Love, Love, Love.

2 thoughts on “Today I am grateful for…

  1. Holly,
    Here’s something to ponder:
    “I am strong and able. I can do all I need to do this day. No matter what this day brings, there is that in me that is strong enough to meet it, overcome it, and be blessed by it. by Eric Buterworth.
    Love Rose

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