Mixed Feelings…

This is the anniversary of my sisters death – my only sibling, who I was honored to take care of on her way to back to Gods heart.

  1. Being able to feel – deeply, a multitude of emotions rather than numbness.
  2. Everything, absolutely everything is a gift – I sometimes experience a “vision” problem” which disallows me to see them.
  3. Today, I will use my presence to quietly and lovingly hold space for someone else.
  4. Watermelon, which is inexpensive and so delicious cold and I can share it with Bobbette and Gina in the morning at work.
  5. All the wonderful people at the ReStore
  6. TM – my supervisor, who has given me the most wonderful example of what compassion, empathy and true leadership looks like in action.
  7. Prayer
  8. Grief
  9. Tears, which may be shed in times of joy and sorrow
  10. Cellphones and text messages, which in the blink of an eye can send a sentiment.

4 thoughts on “Mixed Feelings…

  1. Love and blessings to you, Holly. My sister passed three years ago, and I know those anniversaries are hard. How lucky we were to have had them for as long as we did! That phrase — on her way back to God’s heart — is so very beautiful. Thank you for that.

  2. What I love about your list is your ability to look at each moment/event as a gift because it truly is. All we need do is open our eyes to the beauty around us–in each person we meet, each flower, green bean plants with bugs. Thank you and God’s blessings to you with beautiful memories.

    1. Thank You Miss Rose, This list and your note reminds me once again – gifts are everywhere, in everything, and in all of us!

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