Happy 4th!

  1. This grand country
  2. All those who have gone before, paving the way for the opportunities we have
  3. All those who are serving our country and their families
  4. People who aren’t afraid to go against the accepted and question the status quo
  5. Betsy Ross cuz isn’t it a grand ol’ flag?
  6. The wonderful patriotic songs that represent this holiday
  7. The fact that I never tire of saying “oooh” and “ahhh” with fireworks
  8. My children who I believe will, in  their own right, make a difference for the generations who come after them
  9. My parents
  10. This blog and the opportunity to share our gratitude and learn from others who share their grateful stories

2 thoughts on “Happy 4th!

  1. Hi,
    Yes, we are thankful for those who have gone before us, making our path lighter.
    Let’s do the same for others; spread the good.

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