mid week gratitude list

today i am grateful for:

1. my physiotherapist- who said my knee is improving, and encouraged me.

2. my mom’s birthday who made me creative.

3. my big sister who reminds me to focus on the end result and not on the details.

4. me- i feel creative and i try to spread light and fairy dust all around.

5. me for also reminding myself by doing that to keep up my optimistic feeling.

6. my sick friend who’s better a little each day and who gave me a chance to be helpful and generous.

7. my little sister who i’m going to tomorrow and it brings me a smile just thinking of it.

8. to my dad’s wife who’s babysitting for us tomorrow so we can go visit my sister and hubby.

9. my dad and his wife for all the nice gifts they got my kids in the usa, especialy Buzz Lightyear, who’s making shachar so happy.

10. shachar for his imaginary games.

11. alma for just being her.

12. me for writing all of that.

13. you who are reading it.

have a great day!


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