Five Year Old Gratitude

1. A completely unexpected note in the mail today supporting WLG- thank you Helen!
2. A completely unexpected phone call from a fellow creative writer, sharing a great idea! I can’t wait until she executes it!
3. A great chat with my aunt, she’s so encouraging and uplifting, I love knowing her
4. Finding a great resource online
5. The way creativity flows when I’m not distracting myself with novels and blogs (okay, I did go off the wagon a bit, but it’s so much more satisfying to be on!)
6. I just discovered this other talk Brene Brown gave- even deeper than the first one
7. Being grateful for the ordinary moments
8. Eucalyptus stalks in the living room- ah! I had forgotten how much I love those
9. Being as aware and curious as a five year old, even of everyday surroundings (try it- it’s fun!)
10. Crawling under the dining room table to check it out. Remember doing that when you were a kid? Have you checked out the underside of your dining room table lately? Mine has carved hanging edges so it feels like I’m in an ancient caravan or under a wooden canopy.

One thought on “Five Year Old Gratitude

  1. Belle, absolutely love your list today…it made me laugh and cry (with joy). Thanks for the Brene Brown reference! And tomorrow I’m going to find some eucalyptus! Thank you…Blessings…

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