young at heart

  1. Welcome call from a family friend who is 88 years old…
  2. …she is young at heart and so much fun to be with…
  3. …she recently drove, alone, from Florida to Wis. to S.D. and back…
  4. …said during the dust bowl days she lived on a farm in the midwest and they soaked gunny sacks in water and put them over the windows to keep the dust out…some history for us!
  5. The U.S. 9/11 50-state flag…
  6. …restored with pieces of flags from all 50 states, symbolizing the unity and resiliency of the American people.
  7. Sponsored by New York Says Thank You group traveling the country in gratitude for the support after 9/11…
  8. …even has a piece of the flag that flew at Ford’s Theater in Wash.D.C. on the night of the assassination of President Abe Lincoln.
  9. Daughter watching two adorable fawns in her yard
  10. GPa’s home baked bread…ah so yummy…

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