Monthly Archives: September 2012

1. God

2. Pots

3. Gas that ignites

4. Water that boils  without watching

5. Sabrina is a lap cat

6.Someone did something for me, I don’t know who

7. And that person may not know they did  it

8. And how many times does this happen

9. “Every hour the scene repaints itself.” and other wonderful thoughts and images in Katrina’s blog post.

10. “Somebody’s boring me.  I think it’s me.”  Attributed to Dylan Thomas.  via The Happiness Project.

and, and, and

Very Grateful for~

God’s presence

Home-made bread from Minnie
and honey
and tea
and Ruby furiously acting out what I was feeling in a frenzied spiral of activity
and Garrett’s voicemail to go ahead and feel what I was feeling
and this post by Jennifer Dukes Lee
and texts from Lori expressing outrage on my behalf
and getting/gaining energy from all of these

It’s not really life that makes us weary; it’s how we handle life. ~Joyce Meyer

Chain 10

  1. Craft stores
  2. All the different colors and types of yarn
  3. Making a quick hat for Ava
  4. A cool, rainy autumn day to crochet
  5. My husband, who always makes Ava smile
  6. The nice, efficient UPS man
  7. Things that are easy to fix
  8. Inspiration
  9. Starting again and again, without worrying about the story
  10. Now,now,now

Answered Prayer

1. Getting a bill in the mail for half of what I thought I owed.

2. New boots for a boy who so desperately needed them.

3. Confirmation of God’s promise of provision.

4. Friends who love Jesus.

5. An understanding smile.

6. Cooler temperatures.

7. Physical healing from God’s touch.

8. Meeting someone who knows someone I used to know.

9. Peace restored.

10. God’s presence.


  1. Beats & Eats festival in Cleveland
  2. Zydeco music
  3. Dreadlocks
  4. Wandering around Public Square
  5. The Sailors & Soldiers memorial
  6. The nice men inside who were overflowing with information
  7. Ava’s super happy moods
  8. and the way her hair curls after a nap
  9. These days
  10. This moment

Pink Dinosaur

  1. Remembering
  2. Noticing the effects of things I previously ignored
  3. Conscious collaborators
  4. The way the word ‘conscious’ has changed for me
  5. Mindful parenting
  6. Pumpkin and spices
  7. Toys that teach (don’t they all?)
  8. Pink dinosaur pajamas
  9. Green juice
  10. Mmmm. This moment.

1. God

2. Sabrina emerged from the basement and came to rub against me and eat some crunchies

3. This cat is sixteen years old, so it’s said, and has cataracts in one eye

4. If I’ve seen her recently, it’s usually her backside disappearing through the hole in the door to the basement

5. Got to give the old gal credit for hanging in there

6. An animal slowly beginning to trust me

7. Patience

8. Crunchies

9. A place for gratitude (thank you, Belle)

10. Online and in my heart

Strawberries and Muppets

Very Grateful for~
God’s Protection
a gift card to use for lunch
fuel for the car
the nice men who check the car when they filled it
just saying “no”
and feeling more comfortable each time I do
Amelia, finding her phone
the life of Jim Henson, who was born today

The most sophisticated people I know; inside they are all children.~ Jim Henson


1. God

2. Identifying

3. Not identifying

4. Serving

5. Cassie’s excitement

6. Every instant new

7. Something to think about

8. Breath rising and falling

9. Body awareness

10. What more could I ask for?

11. Asking for more.