Happy Wednesday!

  • Noticing the gas pump was reversed, the high octane $$ was on the left, before I pushed the button. Phew!
  • Having a lovely dinner with my friend and coworker, Irene. We have such a good time at work it was great to relax and talk together.  I’m so grateful for her!
  • Going to the county fair with an old friend. All of the sights, sounds and smells are doubly fun when shared
  • Seeing Carol (from WLG) at my store! She shared some things she is grateful for, which reminded me of some of my own. It was a mini WLG in real life! Love you Carol!
  • Thinking about what it means to be rich, in every way
  • The number of cocktails you can make with vodka +one thing (Bloody Mary, Screwdriver, Cranberry Vodka/Vodka Cranberry -depending on the ratios, Vodka Tonic/Soda…) Hosted a girls night last week with one bottle alone. Okay, maybe more than one.  Dancing and laughter all night!
  • Being inspired by the many amazing managers I’ve met through work. All with completely different managing styles. I’m soaking up all I can learn from them (Nick, Jadwiga, Brian, Terry, Linda, Jeff, Hein, Christie…)
  • The new company-wide program, focused on telling our coworkers something we appreciate about them everyday (and how to make the most of it in the store). Everyone loves to be appreciated and lifts the whole mood of the store. I really look forward to noticing something great in my coworkers each day
  • Reading my mom’s blogs and WLG lists. I have a special ringtone on my phone just for those

Wishing you infinite opportunities to notice the good in everyone and share it contagiously

2 thoughts on “Happy Wednesday!

  1. What I notice about you is that you notice the good in everyone… Really. Glad you and Irene had a great dinner together! Love you! Mom

  2. Carol embodies gratitude! and I LOVE the company program of appreciation! How cool is that?? Love your lists Kylia, so grateful to see you here! <3

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