1. God

2. The elderly lady in the bank wearing thick glasses and saying to the teller “just give me whatever’s in the drawer.”  If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought I was walking in on a robbery.

3. The man on the street holding his travel cup at an angle, looking perplexed.  I almost put money in it. Somehow I don’t think he would have been amused.

4.  Smiling for no reason

5. Various shades of mint

6. Many black cats (and one ornery calico, or maybe she’s just misunderstood)

7. Few summer nights

8. New flowers growing after deadheading

9. Donna’s gratefulness

10. Everybody else’s for that matter

11. From Laurie “knowledge is the least of our talents”

2 thoughts on “

  1. Good Morning Garrett! Wow! re the lady in the bank…that would bring on some trepidation :)…perhaps raise the eyebrows and take a step or two back?:) And the man on the street with the cup….you have had some experiences of “..should I laugh or gasp?… :)
    Hahahaha…I can just see the Calico prancing around with..”I’m so pretty!”
    Thanks for yet another great list…with God always first.
    Bless you, Jean

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