Snow Day

Well this is fun! Despite a few challenges today, I kept considering what to add to my list and it is brimming… Hope you all are enjoying our Winter Wonderland… and staying warm & snuggly….

1. Candles
2. So happy when my son is happy – if all is well in his world, all is well in mine.
3. Jewelry
4. Thrift Stores and the giant treasure hunt they hold
5. My iPad! I have had her one year and have never had a pleasure device that I use and rely on more.. Words with Friends, Netflix, streaming network shows, Facebook at my fingertips…
6. Kimpton Pens in a Kaleidoscope of colors: Blue, Purple, Red, Green, Yellow and more….
7. Snow Day! I was looking forward to going to the office today but given the dire weather predication and my ability to Work from Home, hunkered down and appreciated technology and a company that embraces it.
8. Snow – it is beautiful, fluffy and fun when all you have to do is watch it come down and trek to the mailbox! So nice to have everyone home the whole day & night….
9. Never fail Pasta e Fagioli recipe with Hot Turkey Italian Sausage and Cannellini beans – soup on a snowy day is perfect and this is a great snowed in recipe as everything you need is most always on the shelves or in the freezer.
10. Going to Richmond, VA next week – so while Ohio will be in single digits, I’ll be enjoying 30 and 40 degree weather…

2 thoughts on “Snow Day

  1. Love! Glad you got to work from home! I didn’t leave the house today either, just enjoyed the beauty from behind the windows:)

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