1. God

2. Coffee with Steve.  Wishing I had his perspective, calmness and groundedness, although a)he didn’t acquire it overnight b)he’s willing to help me c)I don’t live with him or see him all day so he probably has his moments of not so calmness

3. Spending the day with Andrew, my brother, Chloe, his wife and their three children, Leon, Alan and Simon.  They are active, energetic and well-behaved children.

4. Chloe planned out a route when we finally got out of the house.

5. A place I haven’t been which is a pond you can walk around, woods, some downs with flowers

6. A loon diving and resurfacing

7. A rabbit amongst the flowers

8. A family of swans with the gander strutting to protect them.  Chloe said it was the female, the male was in the prone position watching TV

9. My mother and father for hosting my brother and his family and maintaining patience and a sense of humor throughout

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