Monthly Archives: February 2015


1. Family history

2. My great grandparents coming to America…I can’t even imagine. <3

3. Photographs

4. Being able to take it easy when needed

5. My boy feeling better

6. An opportunity to help another family by sharing our experience

7. Breakthroughs

8. Healthy meals

9. Always learning

10. Poems written by my boy <3

sunny wednesday

1.  happiness

2.  joy

3.  freedom

4.  friendships

5.  home comforts–heat, hot water, warm showers–the basics I take for granted

6.  so many ways to communicate but it seems to be moving toward non verbal conversation

7.  birdies chirping continue to remind me that spring is on its’ way

8.  meditation that truly comforts my mind; umm in particular

9.  thankful for the gift of yet another day – blessings to you


Trusting that “no news is good news”
Creative lettering
An adorable card from sil
Not finishing when I really didn’t want to
Fresh water
A wonderful friend on the journey
Feeling good
The joy of gratitude
Having an experience I’ve never had before


Looking at a few places, getting our feet wet
An epic nap when we all needed one
Seeing somewhat more clearly- understanding what it is exactly
Not going where I felt strongly I shouldn’t
A mom friend
Sticking to what’s important
Bought myself roses

Buddist Wisdom from Matt Valentine

I think I discovered Matt Valentine from the Tiny Buddha website.  Here are some thoughts to consider from Matt’s’ website.

1.  live with compassion

2.  connect with others and nurture these connections

3.  Live fully awake

4.  Live deeply and see/feel how everything and everyone is connected.  Why do I see myself differently from others purely based on misconceptions.

5.  Embrace death to fully appreciate life.  This is something I haven’t given much thought.

6.  The act of giving and receiving, not of material goods rather – LOVE, COMPASSION AND PRESENCE – this is one of my favorites

7.   Remove these acts from your life – 1.  greed  2. hatred  3.  delusion

8.  Try to allow the flow of life with attaching to the outcome.  For me, this is difficult as I do try to hold on because it is familiar, I guess?

9.  Thankful for the gift of yet another day and all the wonderful, kind, loving people – YOU


Choosing gratitude instead
Understanding another’s frustration, even if I can’t fix it
Doing what I can
Watering my secret garden
Open doors, open hearts
Beauty shared
When a meal becomes great with just an ingredient or two

1. God
2. Relationships
3. Intersections
4. Purpose
5. Recognition
6. Cleaning agents
7. Saying what happened
8. Adeline who found Peabody after he escaped from the yard and brought him back to us (we think he climbed over a snowbank, which is now as high as the fence)
9. Safely home