1. God
2. Infusion of poetry
3. Watching a salesman in action – he found out we have a dog, so he talked about dogs. Finding connections like that, discovering what matters to people, the pictures or what they display in their offices and homes. We were buying a mattress. (He didn’t have to put a bucket over his head nor did his colleagues have to sing Jerusalem to end any madness.) Also, Cassie got a pillow that stays cool, no need for flipping.
4. Thinking about needs unmet and uninvented phenomena
5. Hearing the old song “Aura Lee” and learning it is the same melody as “Love me tender, love me true”
6. Herbs that survived the winter in the garden
7. Finding an old rail trail. They need volunteers to maintain, said the sign. Wonder where it goes and how it survived the winter? I’ll go back there. Why didn’t Peabody and I follow it then? We were expected home sooner rather than later, I suppose.

One thought on “

  1. Hi Garrett.
    Very insightful to read about your mattress salesman. The past 25 years I have been in sales trying to find a connection in others. I love meeting new people to discover how they arrived and what makes them tick. See you always open my mind and I ALWAYS learn from you

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