Monthly Archives: April 2015

Sustaining Solitude

Very Grateful for:

God speaking through kriyas
recognizing my cold following this past semester as a kriya, or blocked energy, a term introduced by Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way
a memory of my 3rd grade teacher giving me the word “solitude” as my “weekly word”
the freedom of solitude
cleaning out closets
clear plastic bins
divided file folders
empirical studies organized in files
teeny tiny vases repurposed to each hold pins and paper clips

“As we gain- or regain- our creative identity, we lose the false self we were sustaining” ~Julia Cameron

Grant me the serenity

I woke up this morning feeling like I need to flee but not knowing where to go.God give me serenity. Don’t let me anxious or afraid. My nature let’s people think I am fine while within I am churning.I believe that if I bless the things that are upsetting me ,I will conquer them.

Bless the people in my life who annoy me. Let me never sink to their level.

Bless my hubby he’s doing the best he can.

Bless this house.I’m sorry.

Bless the victims or tragedies.

Bless my daughter. I’m glad she is happy.

Bless this old body. In spite of abusing it, it still keeps on plugging.

Bless my car. Keep me safe in it.

Bless my friends. I know I can shout out to them.

Bless the silence. Bless the serenity.

God give me the courage to change the things I can change the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

  • Several days of welcome rain and some snow
  • Hugging feeling of the fog this morning
  • Hurray!…they finally paved the road for smooth travel
  • 33
  • Sheryal’s kindness
  • Whatever happened to………?
  • Deep discussion
  • Enough
  • “I embrace the wisdom of uncertainty, because if everything is certain, where is the creativity?”  -Deepak Chopra 


Monday,Monday can’t trust that day. So trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your soul.

Glad Hubby is feeling better.

I’m grateful for Rose who has been commenting on my posts. You are like a voice in the dark that reassures me.

I just love Carol. She is so much fun and so empathetic.

Bible study this morning. We are watching films of traveling the Holy land. Nothing required of me except to be me.

Happy to have a day off. Will be happy to be working the rest of the week.

New choir at Church. Equally entertaining and frustrating.

Stepping way from a situation. Wisdom in knowing when to be involved. Letting go of the guilt at doing it differently.

Visiting my sister at the nursing home. Good conversation.Being able to leave and drive home.

Spring that is unfolding despite the temperatures.

My life is unfolding as it should.




1. Dh
2. Following my daughter to the path by the stream
3. Remembering gratitude in all the right moments
4. Trusting her
5. Trusting me
6. Remembering that changes that take place in my mind don’t become public knowledge unless I say something
7. Sunday slowness
8. Taking charge
9. Reminding another that slowness is ok
10. Watching my daughter arrange flowers
11. H crawling in the grass
12. A long walk
13. Seeing an inspiring house
14. Knowing what I want to do with my life

2 syllables / 5 letters

Very Grateful for:

God’s Divinity

A new perspective on anger

Anger “tells us we can’t get away with our old life any longer” ~Julia Cameron

Finding two floral journals I knew that I had but had become temporarily lost

…and in so doing, I’m grateful for the reminder that what is lost always gets found

and I’m grateful to read Julia Cameron’s advice to “not pick up the first doubt”

my inner compass

and those who help to guide me when it becomes rusty

We are meant to use anger as fuel to take the actions we need to move where our anger points us.” ~Julia Cameron



Wonderful quiet sunny Sunday

  • Dinnner with mum at a cozy intimate simple thai restaurant.  Lovely food, nice waitress and reasonable prices.
  • Found out how to turn off the sound that comes with new email notices
  • Found out  more about  how to play my mini ipod
  • Cleaned our car – it’s so tiny, that it takes almost no time but gives huge joy back
  • My sixteen year old enjoying the freedom to come and go here by bike – and i love to see him pop in.
  • Reorganize my notes – making what really matters clearer
  • Enjoying the plugged in feeling:0)

1. God
2. Infusion of poetry
3. Watching a salesman in action – he found out we have a dog, so he talked about dogs. Finding connections like that, discovering what matters to people, the pictures or what they display in their offices and homes. We were buying a mattress. (He didn’t have to put a bucket over his head nor did his colleagues have to sing Jerusalem to end any madness.) Also, Cassie got a pillow that stays cool, no need for flipping.
4. Thinking about needs unmet and uninvented phenomena
5. Hearing the old song “Aura Lee” and learning it is the same melody as “Love me tender, love me true”
6. Herbs that survived the winter in the garden
7. Finding an old rail trail. They need volunteers to maintain, said the sign. Wonder where it goes and how it survived the winter? I’ll go back there. Why didn’t Peabody and I follow it then? We were expected home sooner rather than later, I suppose.

People i love surrounds me

  • My neighbour’s  friendly support and advice on the mysterious water leakage
  • I finally manage to make small planting pots made of newspaper
  • Lot’s of chi energy made the housecleaning yohoo
  • Larger decisions on prioritizing financially what to do of improvement  on this house and property – is slowly required – and i get to practise – “Things are going great in my absence” :0))
  • Being still sensing softening made my day much richer