Monthly Archives: February 2016

Listening to the rain

The peaceful drumming of rain on the roof

So thankful to have a roof that doesn’t leak

Smiling that the meteorologist described Thursday’s weather as sloppy. Not a professional term but descriptive.

Hubby is sleeping making his own murmurs

Grateful to visit Chowder House for lunch.

We spent hours there when it was Jimmy’s Cafe.

Hubby’s caricature is still on the wall.

Familiar decorations and tasty food

Staff was fascinated by Hubby’s stories


I’m slipping back into bed for an hour. What bliss! I’ll listen to the rain….

1. God
2. New job – what a gift
3. out of my comfort zone and geography
4. Help from others especially
5. Roads that lead somewhere eventually
6. Bare trees imagining them foliated
7. Feeling of having been somewhere before
8. Larry is recovering from surgery
9. Alice is out of the hospital and Cassie went over to help and brought food
10. The return home


  1.  Sunshine today and over the weekend, gives you a BIG boost of energy
  2.  love to read Mary Ellens’ thoughtful posts;  an amazing person
  3.  celebrated my anniversary in Cleveland with a good play called If/Then;  the theme was interesting – if you hadn’t talked to a person at the bank, at the store, etc, then something else would not have occurred.
  4. Listening to the birdies chirping today
  5.  Eric Baker’s weekly posts, he is very create and interesting
  6. kind people like my pal Carol who always has time for others
  7. meditation helps me relax and look at the good-very powerful
  8.  Thankful for the gift of this day
  9. Love to each of you

2. Pegasus at his window
3. Babette at her
4. An excited dog leaping around the yard
5. When Cassie went out Peabody sat by the fence and barked. I put his leash on and let him out (or rather he pulled me out) and I tell you he was trying to pick up her scent.
6. The three Suns of the winter travelled and the Suns of the ridiculous man
7. Whimsicality – like Crystal’s Loch Ness Monster
8. Not where have you been where are you going

Grateful for

The snow on Tuesday. The return to moderation today. Snow is gone.

The many varieties of books. I’m in a Reading Challenge and am reading different kinds of books

One category is someone I’d like to meet so am reading about Hillary Rodham Clinton

Book about Vietnam was very difficult but I wanted to read it because I knew the man who wrote it.

Technology where you can send a message to a dozen people at once

Zucchini noodles-delicious!

Precious Carol who calls me to remind her to do something after Laughing Club today. I’m a human post it note!

Reliable problem solvers!

Hubby. Hubby. Hubby. Who else could endure me?