Monthly Archives: December 2016

a Tale of a Dissertation and a Fish Taco

Very Grateful For:

God’s Big Love

the final defense for my dissertation on December 15th

the culmination of 3-1/2 years of study and writing, and work!

figuring out the flight schedules so that Amelia could fly from Virginia and join me

feeling my mother’s presence during the defense

finally realizing a goal that my dad discussed with me over 20 years ago

safe travels

the relief of passing my final defense!

celebrating with fish tacos!

“My prayer rose to you…” Jonah 2:7

Gratitudes Dec 11-17, 2016

  1. Sun Dec 11, good meeting, fun shopping trip at thrift store, conversations with family, progress at work, inspiring talk on internet, baking projects prepared.
  2. Mon Dec 12, progress at work, possibly good news about hearing aids, good meals.
  3. Tues Dec 13, well rested, progress at work, good meals, good exercise, pleasant conversations with co-workers.
  4. Wed Dec 14, well rested, progress at work, calming music from internet, pleasant walks to and from work, successfully made 4 p.m. submission deadline for grant, good meals.
  5. Thu Dec 15, well rested, progress at work, started summary, picked up grant application, good meals, lots of rain.
  6. Fri Dec 16, early to work, good lunch, progress at work, conversations with co-workers, good meals, recipe from friend, gifts from family.
  7. Sat Dec 17, good meals, pleasant walks to and from work, progress at work, conversations with co-workers.

1. God
2. Putting up the tree
3. Cassie’s greens on the fence, wreaths on the gate and the door, the samovar full of holly and boxwood, the decorated mantelpieces, even the mistletoe in the French doors (which don’t open so maybe/because they don’t speak French.)
4. My father talking about his mother taking him to the good hotel in town for a haircut. He wasn’t sure why they stopped going nor did I learn more about the hotel or his experience, but I don’t think it was like the hotel in Martin Dressler.
5. Arctic air punctuated by a momentary thaw.
6. People whom I will never know and from whose work I benefit
7. Even this language which I don’t fully understand or what I’m seeing and hearing which others see differently
8. as we are
9. Spirits rejoice

  • Temp that greeted us when we looked outside this morning… -24….(-33 on Cathy’s sheltered porch)
  • Wind chills -40 to -50…-57 in Bozeman   Wowzee :(
  • Warm thoughts to our gson who is on ski patrol at the Yellowstone Club, dangerous wind chill
  • Grateful for our mail carriers who delivered packages today!
  • Words I did not want to hear from GPa this morning…”Our furnace is not working!”  And more words from GPa I was so thankful for while I was on the phone with the furnace repairman (who said they were booked 7 hrs.) “The furnace is on…it’s working!!!!!!!”  Absolutely Praise God!!
  • Thankful for a warm home and everything we need for comfort.
  • Deedee’s lovely sundog picture over the lake this morning…looks like a rainbow straight up and down from the sun to the lake.
  • Another day in paradise :):)

Winter morning

The snowplows are scraping the street

The street light is still on which casts glow on the snow

Everything frosted in snow

Finished the little shopping I had to do

Picked up some gift cards for the game on Christmas Eve

Getting to choose some trivia for Meg and Nicole

Sending my Grand daughter a card with a little something in it

Hubby wanted a new mouse for his laptop. He chose a plain black one. Nothing fancy. He is easy to please!

Cookie making today. Aim is for four kinds.

Making spirits bright at Laughing Club and throughout the day.

Wrapping about wraps it up


  1.  An empty parking spot out front when reaching the restroom was an emergency
  2.  Unexpected gift of a handmade quilt
  3.  Good trades
  4.  Healthy body
  5.  Sound mind
  6.  Warm home
  7.  Safe travel
  8.  Dreaming
  9.  Thoughtful friends
  10.  Surprises that make you do a happy dance

  • Snow
  • Cold…minus….brrrrr
  • GPa shoveling the 5 inches deposted over night…
  • …and still snowing….3° now
  • Yesterday was a snow free day and sunshine so ran a multitude of errands
  • …snow packed roads but well sanded
  • Checking off my list….wrapping gifts :)
  • Watching the red highlighted winter advisory info
  • Continuous snow and cold usually comes in Jan.  We live in Montana, it is what it is :)
  • Cathy and Abe back from fun in Green BayPackers won!
  • Hallmark Christmas movies
  • “Who would you be and what would you do if you weren’t afraid?”  -provoking question in an article about Lady GaGa

Making a list

Checklists,wish lists, to-do lists,grocery lists

Grateful for this busy time of the year

When I talk to my sister in the nursing home and she doesn’t have enough to do and I have too much. I would rather have too much!

Checking my calendar to see I have one day off before Christmas.

I enjoy reading people’s Christmas newsletters.

We received my brother-in-laws. Grateful he is healing after his health scare.

A Christmas party was on my list last night. Good food and great gift exchange. Everyone  stayed very upbeat and everyone ended up with what they wanted.

I have a new angel for my dining room. I think she’ll oversee the Nativity for the next ten days!

Enjoy the season!