Thursday, June 8, 2017

Waking up and seeing that someone loves Regina Brett’s books as much as I do.

Playing with my dog Jax in bed this morning.

Getting to hang out with family yesterday.

Meeting with the contractor to get things going on the work I need to get done my home and feeling a light at the end of the tunnel.

Waking up sober and not smoking another day.

The beautiful sunshine coming through my dining room window. 

Prayer and meditation when I feel my gut warning me about situations.

The Serenity Prayer.

My son moving on with his life with a new job and good friend who are supportive of him.

My pets, especially my dog, who come running to see if I am okay.  Love them like crazy.  

A new book I purchased, Morning Light:  A Book Of Meditations To Begin Your Day. 

About Karen Teig

I am a 58 year old Native Minnesotan. I work as a Storekeeper at a local hospital here in town. I have been sober since April 18, 1982 and have not smoked since September 8, 2005. I am a Born Again Christian who loves Jesus and am grateful for each day I wake up. I have found that even in the hard times, like after my husband's suicide that I can still find things to be grateful for, even if they are little things. God always has my back.

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