Monday, July 3, 2017

A beautiful day outside.  Sunny with just a gentle wind.  I love it!

My dog, Jax, although I love him dearly even with his quirks. 

My cat, Skeeter, deciding that he needed the sock on my foot more than I did this morning.

My son, Justin.  How he can get up, shower and run out the door the way he does is amazing.  Oh wait, I used to do that when I was his age too!

Wonderful family to hang out with last night, eat, share and sit around a nice fire pit. 

That I can cry and it is still healing.

Taking a breath, counting to 10, and going on.

Taking one little chore at a time with this house today to get ready for Wednesday.  

Taking breaks in between projects and chores. 




About Karen Teig

I am a 58 year old Native Minnesotan. I work as a Storekeeper at a local hospital here in town. I have been sober since April 18, 1982 and have not smoked since September 8, 2005. I am a Born Again Christian who loves Jesus and am grateful for each day I wake up. I have found that even in the hard times, like after my husband's suicide that I can still find things to be grateful for, even if they are little things. God always has my back.

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