Pappy’s Day Care

3 kids under 5 with 2 kids over 64 for 5 days…… What a movie that would make… Grateful for the reality that Love trumps impatience, fatigue and irritation every time. Grateful for a 12 year old dog who loves those kids as much I do. Grateful for the tolerance and patience that 38 years of marriage brings. Grateful for the fact that their food preferences are simple and pancakes are universal. Grateful for the peace that descends during naps…. Grateful for a Dad who walks in to earsplitting cries of love from his children….grateful for their mother who is at a church camp this week being a Counselor..grateful for the Holy Spirit that led her there. Grateful for a life well lived, a legacy left in his son who is our Pastor. Tears and pain at the leaving, joy in the arrival home. Grateful to be off work till Friday. Nuff said. Grateful in the calm and peace that my knitting brings. Grateful for movie time with the husband. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful. A good day. And 4 more to go!

2 thoughts on “Pappy’s Day Care

  1. Love your list. Love your approach. Love your moxie!
    So impressed you had enough energy for a movie after Daycare!

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