Monthly Archives: February 2018

Gratitudes Feb 11-17, 2018

  1. Sun Feb 11, early to meeting, conversations, conversations with family, good walks, progress at work, helpful info from internet.
  2. Mon Feb 12, good walks, progress at work, good background music to write with, helpful chat with boss, conversations, good meals.
  3. Tue Feb 13, early to work, good presentation, helpful suggestions from others, progress at work, good meals, good walks, pleasant break outside.
  4. Wed Feb 14, good walks, progress on writing, conversations, good seminars, helpful info on internet, good meals.
  5. Thu Feb 15, well rested, progress on writing, good walks, sunny day, good meals.
  6. Fri Feb 16, progress on writing, good seminar, conversations, cheerful help from others, book arrived that I ordered, good meals.
  7. Sat Feb 17, well rested, productive shopping, good class, good meals.

New day

Grateful it is rain not snow.(Thunder- Do I really have to leave?)

Grateful for a tissue when I need to blow. A swig of cough medicine then I’m on my way.

Dennis says give frustrations space for a time then let them go.

Talking about the Avoid-dance. Step up instead. One,two ,three,four.

Do it today because I love procrastination.

Leftovers when I need a nibble. Eating healthier. Feeling a change.

Grateful for friends and family and four legged felines.

Empathy,sympathy and understanding.

I even will pray for those who frustrate me. True gratitude if I can mumble through clenched teeth that they have a right to be themselves and I can accept them.





Grateful I can work so we can have money to choose.

Grateful to have so many clothes to choose from.

I choose to eat out. TGIFriday’s. Waiter explains the special isn’t a lot of food and that  is perfect.(Still bring some home.)

I choose to be generous. Tip well. Donate to causes. Little unexpected gifts.

Choose to rest. Choosing down time before activity. Ahh!

Making good choices in thought ,word and deed. Thinking before I express myself.

Choose my food wisely. I’m going to make some soups today. Batch cooking so I can eat it all week.

Choose to exercise comes harder. Need to make it part of my routine. Where there is resistance,there is room for improvement.

Make good choices. Choose the day.


A day off from work. Very nice.

The luxury of having an A.A. meeting so close to my house that I could attend last night and see old friends and enjoy the recovery in the room.

A sunny day, albeit cold again.

My dog, Jax, snoozing by my feet.



Quiet time to read my devotionals.

Waking up sober and nicotine free another day.

An old A.A. friend offering me a ride home last night even though I was just about a block and a half away.  Thanks B!

A good cup of coffee.

That although I have aches and pains, at least I can feel them.  I have known some that are not so lucky and they are either in a wheel chair or dead. :(

Love, in its many forms. :)

Heat in my house.


Sing Out Sing On

Hubby picks Peter Rabbit as the movie to  see. Not my Peter Rabbit but enjoyable.

Free movie due to Movie pass and a gift card. Hubby wants popcorn and a drink. $15. Grateful I’m watching what I eat.

Poking Jim by text to see if he is singing at choir. When he is, I go to choir. Grateful he is there!

Easter music is so powerful. I love our choir. The director was exhausted  but he remained patient.

Listening to a CD of the songs until I realize I have the man next to me watching me sing.

Dinner waiting for me at 9:30. I love that man!

Losing a little weight by changing portion  and choice.

Challenges and accepting the challenge.

Liking being the comic relief. Laughter and singing are essential to me.

Valentine’s Day & Thursday

  1.  I had a good day at work yesterday.
  2. My dog Jax is feeling better.
  3. We had beautiful weather yesterday.
  4. I got to go to my Bible Study last night and enjoy some good quality time with friends.
  5. I had my knee brace at work yesterday making it a little easier working.
  6. Waking up this morning sad but finding things to be grateful for anyways.
  7. Catching my cat before he swallowed the string and metal top of a Christmas ornament.
  8. A church friend offering to sponsor me to go Via de Cristo (Way Of Christ)  in October.   It will be Thursday evening till Sunday evening and I am very excited.
  9. I got a pulled muscle somehow in my left upper back, possibly by stretching in bed.  At least I don’t have to work for a couple days.  Happy about that.
  10. Discussing The Passion Of The Christ movie we watched at Bible Study last night.
  11. The ice moving off the lake a bit.
  12. Remaining sober and cigarette free another day.
  13. God.


I remember making up words to the song “Let It Snow” when I was having trouble letting something go.

“Let it go” is a Frozen song.I’m going to ask Alexa for it when I go down for coffee.

Today I’m releasing irritations I’ve held on to. I picture them as balloons floating away. Anger, Disappointment,Resentment,  Frustration and Sadness.

So many memories that still have an emotion with them when it is years gone.

I feel lighter as they float away.Now  there is room for new things.

New ‘do is paired with a smile. You look so different my friends comment. I am releasing the Winter mental doldrums.

Giving things up for Lent but replacing that which you have released with action.

Phone calls, texts, cards and a listening ear.

Donating some clothes is a release. They are not important to me but will find a home.


Release.Replace. Repeat.


  • Happy Valentines Day ♥
  • An impromptu adventure
  • Family gathering ♥
  • Wonderful to see someone we hadn’t seen in many years
  • Taking pictures in the minus zero, blowing wind…
  • …family together no matter the weather :)
  • Although we’ve had a winter of snow, cold, rain, ice…
  • …we’ve been blessed with some gorgeous sunny days of blue blue skies
  • And then there’s Crystal’s beautiful purple tulips…
  • …bringing fond memories of my Mother’s purple tulips :) 

All you need is Love

So many types of love and I’m grateful for all of them.

A cuddle with a kitten. Like an teenager she seems to indicate “hurry up I’m starving.”

Concern for a friend. Sharing our joys dividing our troubles.Prayers.

Laughter and more laughter as I trying to explain why we’re laughing.

There is a love that  is solid count on companionship and comfortable talk.

If he bought me chocolate it would ruin my eating plan. Flowers are expensive. Cards have never been our thing.

But he cleaned the bathroom while I was at work. My man!

Going to Texas Roadhouse at 5:00 p.m. No crowd. Great service. Home by 6:00 p.m.

Thank you Tyson for the gift card. Happy Valentine’s Day gson.

Kora , I’ve enjoyed your calls lately. Happy Valentine’s day Sunshine!

May love watm you if you are reading this.