All posts by Crystal

Thank you

  1. The opportunity to be alive
  2. And to use my voice
  3. And to stand up for what I believe
  4. All the opportunities I have to argue for my truth
  5. Becoming less reactive, more resolute
  6. Loving anyway, in the way no one can stop me
  7. Making new choices, instead of the status quo
  8. Inventing my own future
  9. Living into it
  10. And up to it


  1. New puppy in the house
  2. Deep dive into a whole new world of training and attentiveness
  3. No longer taking time for granted, for awhile at least
  4. Warm just-rained air
  5. When the mosquitoes take a rain break
  6. Pausing
  7. Deep breaths
  8. Gearing up for a big week
  9. After a full week of activity- so this moment to pause and be grateful is an exhale
  10. Noticing

Thank You

  1. Reading the draft of a friend’s autobiography
  2. Little wins in my day
  3. Self-care with thoughts
  4. Silky fabrics
  5. Standing here, able to be grateful and share it and so alive
  6. Morning tea
  7. Birds
  8. Our rumbly train
  9. Everything wet and fresh from last night’s thunderstorm
  10. That softness, the part that gets vulnerable and hurt, is still there


  1. Being around my favorite people
  2. The relationship that’s changed my life the most (of all the ones I chose)
  3. My husband, and everything about him
  4. Getting back to the basics, personally
  5. Decisiveness
  6. Fun conversations
  7. Fun together
  8. All the resources I need that I didn’t have before
  9. Deep practice
  10. Getting up every single time I fall down

Thank you

  1. Book recommendation from a friend at the perfect time
  2. Fun day with my favorite people
  3. Hearing laughter
  4. Chat with my grandma
  5. Finding the perfect gift
  6. Not taking for granted the ability to shop
  7. Recommended a book to a friend and she texts me with aha moments
  8. Little things that make life easier
  9. The cats, like friendly shadows, silent and ever present
  10. Care

WLG Update In the Form of a Gratitude List

  1. I’m grateful for all the incredible grateful writers who keep this site buzzing with appreciation and gratitude
  2. And for Google’s Feedburner technology, which allowed us to do easy email signups for almost 10 years
  3. I’m grateful that I received early notice that it would be discontinued- so I could switch things over to another service
  4. You can now signup in the sidebar- and receive a daily email if new lists have been posted
  5. I’m grateful that Google made it very easy to switch and bring along everyone who’s already signed up
  6. And looking through the names was a trip down memory lane
  7. All the support and love this site has received from the beginning
  8. The beautiful gratitude that overflows on this earth today
  9. Remembering my first gratitude lists, that were “good lists,” that started to change my life, way back then
  10. Perhaps it’s time to start posting them here again, amongst the luminous writers and grateful souls that inspire me daily.