You Got Me! Gratitude

1. OMGoodness! You won’t believe what the UPS man dropped off today!
2. A little brown box with my name on it…
3. Inside was a fancy fiber pouch that said “energy muse jewelry”
4. I’ve looked around in their online store, but didn’t order anything!
5. Inside the pouch was the most beautiful gratitude bracelet (it took my breath away!)
6. Designed by Jason Mraz and Cafe Gratitude!!!
7. With it was a notecard that said, “From your friends and followers @ welovegratitude!”
8. I started crying!
9. Okay, gratitude lovers, you got me! I am overflowing with gratitude and surprise and love! I LOVE surprises!
10. Thank you, gorgeous souls! I would love to know who was behind this so I can thank you personally!!!

PS: What I loved possibly more than anything, was that the purchase of the bracelet benefitted the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. I have such a heart for them and it was such a blessing to my heart to know it helped them.

2 thoughts on “You Got Me! Gratitude

  1. Good Morning Belle! A lovely gift for a lovely lady! I love how meaningful it is and how they describe each gem. And it’s wonderful that it benefits the ICof13IG! You deserve this surprise! How absolutely thoughtful of those who gifted you!! Blessings to you all…

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