Grateful for my health. I push a little too far then rest revives me. Thank you Lord!
Grateful that hubby is stabilizing.Grateful for our walks. Posting pictures of the places we go.
Praying for the success of the tea. Success is defined not by how many come but on what they experience and what they take with them.
Grateful for a logical mind that can handle details. The fine tuning is in the details.
A prayer for those who are having medical tests today. May the outcome be good and their spirits calm.
Adding a thought to Carol’s blog Celebrate Possibilities.
Flowers are planted.( Well almost. One flat is waiting). Isn’t it miraculous how we put them in the ground and with a little attention they thrive.
Hanging Baskets. I love how easy they are to care for.
Praying for all my friends-the travelers,the weary,the suffering,the worried,the joyful,the spark plugs,the worker bees and the overworked!
Thank you , as always, for the wonderful list.