Who is strong enough?

I am incredibly grateful for the amazing experiences I had last week. One particular highlight was watching the movie ‘The Peanut Butter Falcon,’ which had such profound and thought-provoking moral. The question that resonated with me deeply was, “Who is strong enough?” It completely blew my mind and filled me with a sense of humility and contentment.

In moments of weakness and vulnerability, instead of succumbing to self-pity and feeling miserable about myself and my life, I learned that I shouldn’t deny my limitations. I should embrace the question, “Who is strong enough?” When I first heard that sentence in the movie, it evoked a deep emotional response within me. Tears welled up in my eyes, revealing the inner turmoil and chaos that I felt. Who is strong enough?

Surprisingly, realizing that nobody is inherently strong enough can be empowering and bring peace. Acknowledging the power of embracing my vulnerabilities and simply being myself in the present moment is a truly unique experience.

I recognize that I am not strong enough to face the harsh, deceitful world filled with lies and manipulation. I am not strong enough to navigate the realm of fake identities. So, with every fiber of my being, I declare that I am not merely strong enough. I am a symphony of emotions, a vessel of passion, and a seeker of truth. I revel in the depths of my vulnerabilities, for it is there that I discover the true essence of my humanity. And with this newfound understanding, I am empowered to navigate the tapestry of life, embracing the turbulent journey with all its twists and turns.


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