All posts by AndreaRose

Election Day…

1. I’m grateful for the end of the pre-election phone calls, ads, door knockers, and anything else I may be leaving out…

2. Taking my eager unschooler to vote with me. We did not experience lines, so we were able to take our time and look at and discuss the ballot in detail.

3. Learning by living <3

4. Getting ALL of the boy's Legos organized by color…WHAT a project!

5. Getting rid of stuff…

6. Breaks

7. Sunny fall days

8. Intuition

9. Doing what works

10. Tolerance. I'm working on it…


1. My husband, who makes sure we’re taken care of…

2. Compromise

3. Hearing from friends on the East Coast

4. The way social media keeps us all connected

5. Watching my boy swim

6. Progress

7. Dreams

8. My boy’s social life…We joke about him being an unsocialized homeschooler. <3 If only!!!

9. Pinterest…What fun!

10. Closure


1. The endless possibilities that a new day brings…

2. Pondering that thought over a cup of coffee :)

3. Gently waking up my sweet boy…

4. Learning to live together

5. Compromising even though it’s painful

6. Enjoying a good book as a family. The last read out loud selection was a bit painful, so we scrapped in and started another, which was a good choice!

7. Playing action figures with Logan…I don’t always feel like it, but I know I will miss these times.

8. Pumpkin ice cream

9. Learning to do things differently

10. Love


1. Kind words from a dear friend

2. Sitting in on swim practice

3. Taking the scenic route…October in Ohio is so beautiful!

4. Listening to my boy sing…He’s up in bed. :)

5. The way my dog perks up when someone says “peanut butter”…

6. Going home

7. Getting pizza at my all time favorite place…

8. Waking up this morning to find this unposted list…I must’ve gotten distracted last night.

9. Enjoying a cup of coffee, with my dog curled up next to me

10. A reliable furnace…It’s cold outside!


1. Selling my wares in the city over the weekend

2. My sweet boy is such a good helper

3. Getting my husband to understand my feelings by comparing my shows to triathlons…NOW he gets it. :)

4. Family support

5. Reading everyone’s wonderful gratitude lists

6. Fresh tomato sauce

7. Autumn in Ohio

8. Walking in the woods

9. Doing what I thought I couldn’t do

10. Keeping a journal


1. My cousin’s baby shower

2 Catching up

3. Family stories that I never heard before

4. Remembering my grandmother…

5. People that open their homes as foster parents

6. Making tough decisions

7. Hearing my son talk gardening with a group of adults

8. My dog being so happy to see me when I got home

9. A quick passing storm

10. Not feeling anxious


1. My boy came home today, after six days with my parents

2. Getting a giant hug <3

3. Leaves starting to change

4. Cooking healthy meals

5. Forgiveness

6. Sharing

7. Growing

8. Choices

9. Reading on the front porch

10. Being organized…I am not quite organized, but I am getting better. :)


1. Happy news from a friend

2. Making learning fun

3. Sunshine, after a rainy morning

4. Choosing thoughts and words carefully

5. Getting busy with orders…I CAN do this!

6. Compromises

7. Handwriting Without Tears

8. Sending my husband and son off for the weekend…There was a time when I would’ve been nervous not to be there supervising (controlling). They will have a great time, and I will get some much needed time alone.

9. Tomato season is winding down…Yay!

10. Fresh eggs