All posts by AndreaRose

Labor Day…

1. Technology

2. Getting started on the projects that were waiting for my husband…

3. Good communication

4. Learning to let go, as Logan gets older and does more. It’s sure not easy, but seeing how happy it makes him, and how proud he feels when he’s given more freedom, is such a joy.

5. Model building…Okay, not really. It is SO not my thing, but Logan and I are working on the Jolly Roger. It sure teaches patience.

6. My dog…She is so fun and funny.

7. The way things always work out

8. Fun plans

9. Being understood

10. Growing in my work…

September 1, 2012

1. Today is my husband’s official retirement, after 24 years in the US Army.

2. After 10 years of life, our boy has his dad…and it’s a wonderful thing.

3. Closing a painful chapter

4. My parents…Today is their 45th anniversary.

5. The endless possibilities ahead of us

6. Taking a day off from canning so I could focus on my art

7. Looking in the pantry to see all that we’ve accomplished

8. Long hot baths

9. Natural products

10. Finding cycling clothes that were made in the USA

Monday Gratitude…

1. Rain

2. My mom is visiting for a couple of days.

3. She helped me can salsa and tomatoes ALL day, yesterday.

4. Finding a loose chicken at the farm and helping her return to the other chickens :)

5. Fresh grapes…I’m going to try making grape juice for the first time. So excited!

6. My husband completed his first Ironman this weekend. He made it through in one piece and not too far off of his goal time.

7. Online athlete tracking…We weren’t able to travel with him, and it was a blessing to be able to track his progress, and the progress of his friends. What a celebration we had when we realized he had finished!

8. Buying new clothes…and some new used clothes

9. Watching Logan learn to sew

10. My dog and all her crazy ways

Oh, this day…

1. Logan had his academic assessment today, and it went great.

2. He was so excited to share all that he’s been doing.

3. We made a day of it, and my husband came with us.

4. We found a little diner and had lunch and then browsed at some local shops.

5. It was a very long day, but good.

6. Coming home

7. My dog was SO happy to see us when we got home, and she was ready to play!

8. Putting my pajamas on…and having a cup of tea

9. Feeling secure

10. Love

Monday Gratitude…

1. I am grateful for my husband being so patient and understanding.

2. Taking the scenic route…

3. Feeling productive

4. My parents…They are wonderful grandparents.

5. Books

6. My sweet boy…He has constantly amazed me for the last 10 years.

7. Traditions

8. Rain

9. Music that puts me at ease

10. Colored pencils