All posts by AndreaRose


1. An exciting weekend of watching Logan perform…He truly amazes me.

2. Spending time with my parents

3. Dog walks with my husband

4. Chai latte

5. My husband suggesting pizza since I was so tired <3

6. Family meetings

7. Office supplies

8. Preschoolers

9. Choosing love

10. Staying on track


1. Feeling accomplished

2. Teamwork

3. Our Christmas tree

4. Tying up loose ends

5. Logan’s excitement about playing piano at the city’s tree lighting ceremony tonight and his recital tomorrow

6. My parents are coming to stay the night so they can be at both performances

7. Order

8. Doing nice things for people

9. Healthy communication

10. Memories <3

Old and New Gratitude

1. Last night I found myself reading old gratitude lists from April of 2011, when the switch was made from GLD…I laughed and I cried, and sometimes I wondered what it was that I was talking about! Oh, the mystery!

2. My husband was still in the Army at the time and it was fun to remember some of the things Logan and I did when it was just the two of us.

3. I came across a list where I said I was grateful that we were at the almost one year until retirement mark…Now here we are approaching two years since he came home to stay! Talk about gratitude!!! So many times I wondered if we’d ever make it.

4. Wow…We had NO idea what a transition it would be, but thankfully we’ve survived. :)

5. The list in May of 2011 when I was so grateful for my neighbor who saw me mowing and came over on his riding mower to save me. This past May he and his wife were killed in a car accident. They were both in their 80’s. It was nice to remember them even though it reminded me of the pain of losing them so suddenly.

6. The posts reminding me of some work we had done on our house…It was nice to remember how hard I’ve worked to make this house our own. It makes me appreciate it even more than usual.

7. Oh man…My list about the day I spent with Lucy before she left for California and Mother’s Day when she and David came over and had breakfast with Logan and I. I had some happy and sad tears over that one. <3

8. Remembering some of the funny things that we used to do with Sugaree, and some of the silly routines that she had before my husband came home. She's not able to be quite so bossy with a man in the house. :)

9. All the fun field trips that Logan and I have taken and the fun projects that we've done.

10. Yesterday I posted that I was grateful for how far I've come and today I'm even more grateful for how far I've come. I'm so grateful for finding GLD and for We Love Gratitude.

I’m Grateful For…

1. Online recipes…although I don’t plan on parting with my cookbook collection any time soon :)

2. Not focusing on my perceived failures…which I would totally be doing if someone I love didn’t tell me not to <3

3. Logan's piano lesson being in the concert hall in preparation for his upcoming recital. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I watched him perform. I could not be more proud of him.

4. Wayne and I talked about Ruth this morning after we had an agreeable and fruitful discussion concerning Logan's education. We've come a long way and Ruth was key in the process. He felt so much more at ease after hearing her wonderful stories of children that she had worked with who had been given the opportunity to learn at their own pace. It has not been easy for a career soldier to embrace such freedom.

5. Comfort foods…specifically, a care package of my cousin's meatballs and sauce

6. My great aunt…Aunt Mayme

7. Conversations with Logan about relatives that passed before he was born…He's always so eager to hear about them.

8. Cleaning house…I have a whole car load of things to pass on. It feels so freeing!

9. Making Christmas plans

10. How far I've come

Thank You, Ruth

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion with me.

Thank you for taking the time to talk me through taking Logan out of school. It was life changing and life SAVING.

Thank you for being our biggest cheerleader…Sharing the journey with you has been such a joy.

Thank you for being so full of love and light, and inspiring me in so many ways.

I am so grateful that we crossed paths. I am a better person because of you.

I love you, Ruth.

My love and most heartfelt prayers go out to Ruth’s family and friends.


1. My parents and brother agreed to having our family Thanksgiving tomorrow, for my benefit.

2. Picking up our turkey from friends who raised it on their small farm

3. The changes that are taking place in my home…

4. My husband’s dedication

5. My sweet boy

6. Sugaree…I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her!

7. Baking pies with Logan

8. Riding my bike when it’s really cold out

9. Tie-dyeing after a long break

10. God


1. Doing the leaves with Logan

2. Heartfelt gifts

3. Potatoes from our garden

4. Leaving voicemails…even though I’d rather chat :D

5. Improving

6. Dinner together

7. Swim meets

8. Fun field trips

9. Being patient

10. Deep talks with my neighbor <3


1. Recognizing that a lack of gratitude is unhealthy. Sure I think of things here and there, but the act of taking the time to sit and make lists is incredibly important.

2. A surprise showing up in the mail…A book with no note telling me who it’s from! I’m pretty sure that I know, though!!! It brought smiles, tears, and a little bit of jumping up and down. :)

3. Playing games with Logan

4. Autumn in Ohio

5. Riding my bike…I’ve been riding so much lately, and I love it more than ever. <3

6. Logan and I rode to the bike shop today and had a speedometer/odometer put on, so I know how fast and how far I'm going.

7. There is a frost warning so we picked the last of the cayenne peppers and the bell peppers.

8. Last week we went apple picking and Logan and I canned applesauce and we're looking forward to doing another batch this week. I love spending time with him!

9. Accepting the fact that growing is sometimes painful…and being patient with myself and others.

10. The Beatles!!!