An incredible gift, a custom cabinet craftsman has a desire to create for us far beyond our budget
Long days, short days, but each day is a gift to be alive
Finding the things that make me smile, cry tears of joy and inspiration, or just love outright
Telling the stories I want to tell instead
Brilliant, creative young minds
Endlessness, or seeming it, and then realizing it changes so fast
Finished reading Hanagarne’s World’s Strongest Librarian, very good, and I prefer the World’s Greatest Librarian, Garrett Eastman. And I would like to read his memoir, hint hint.
H received a new teddy bear shortly after Garrett sent the girls a book, so we named the bear Bearett, after him, and this makes me smile everytime I see it
My eldest can read a house plan, though not yet words, this also makes me smile