An incredible gift, a custom cabinet craftsman has a desire to create for us far beyond our budget
Long days, short days, but each day is a gift to be alive
Finding the things that make me smile, cry tears of joy and inspiration, or just love outright
Telling the stories I want to tell instead
Brilliant, creative young minds
Endlessness, or seeming it, and then realizing it changes so fast
Finished reading Hanagarne’s World’s Strongest Librarian, very good, and I prefer the World’s Greatest Librarian, Garrett Eastman. And I would like to read his memoir, hint hint.
H received a new teddy bear shortly after Garrett sent the girls a book, so we named the bear Bearett, after him, and this makes me smile everytime I see it
My eldest can read a house plan, though not yet words, this also makes me smile
So many blessings received today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude
The deep blue sky this morning as the sun tried to shine behind the thick clouds that were slowly rolling away- it cast the most enchanting blue
All my shopping done, though admittedly not a lot for many, but a good ones for a few
All my wrapping done, save something that hasn’t arrived yet
A long walk with the girls in the stroller, I am amazed it’s still warm enough to do this
Met with the inlaws to see Archie, the 18′ (?) tall snowman who lives in the mall and talks. An Akron tradition.
Trusting my gut. Also, riding the escalator with my daugher
Firefighters were also there passing out candy, and when my eldest came by they surrounded her, offering stickers, suckers, candy canes. And I flushed on her behalf
A long, lovely chat with my aunt, who I adore and am proud to be like