All posts by Crystal

Thank You

  1. For the opportunity to see Carol
  2. For communication in parenting
  3. For our new land, and that the corn in the front was cleared- we were thinking it would be our task
  4. For bright blue skies and endless clouds
  5. For the birds
  6. For trees and earth and imagination
  7. For the ability to see where I need to change 
  8. For children, each and every one
  9. For prayer when that’s all I have
  10. For this day, this gift

Thank you

  1. For Carol, who let me know this guy is coming to town
  2. For T & G, sparkles in our lives
  3. For my FIL, we just celebrated his birthday and it was a fun time this year
  4. For my MIL, who is so gracious and helpful
  5. For A, who is an earth angel (I am quite sure)
  6. For T, who is full of youthful excitement and vigor, loves to learn and try, and is a true friend
  7. For S, and our shared dreams across the pond
  8. For R, for teaching me my shadow side, because I always project it onto her 
  9. For G, whose friendship is unparalleled and knowledge infinite, and his love of poetry inspiring 
  10. For J, my shining and best example of how to be loving, intelligent, wise, and elegant. 

Thank you thank you

  1. We bought land- after a long and long and long process
  2. Now for the encore- choosing builder, houseplan, and then alll the details. I have a little bit of gratitude that we get to do this, so I’m putting it here to expand my gratitude into deep appreciation and awe, which seems more on par with how lucky we are to be doing this
  3. I’m deeply appreciative right now, however, for naps
  4. And chocolate
  5. And my incredible friends and family, who all know so much more than I can ever hope to, and who share their knowledge so freely
  6. Being outside
  7. Walks, God thank you for every walk
  8. A jacket that I was delighted to find
  9. Little joys
  10. Clean clothes and sheets

Oy. Grateful for…

  1. Failures (seemed like such a great idea)
  2. Keeping on
  3. Seeing all my shortcomings when I can pull focus far enough back- I’m grateful because to see some of them clearly means I can do something about them
  4. Learning to look at things from higher levels of thinking
  5. Playing bigger
  6. My dear friend’s presence
  7. And or highschool-like excitement and enthusiasm
  8. When things happen at the right time
  9. No longer wasting as much energy
  10. The ability to be grateful

Thank you

  1. For an incredible group of friends
  2. For the ability to be real and be seen and to help
  3. For acceptance
  4. For my daughters
  5. For my husband
  6. For my health, my strong, energetic body, my clear and quick mind
  7. For a place to live that’s near everything
  8. For near-completion of a project
  9. For the goodness and mercy of the past 8 years
  10. For mindfulness

Thank you

  1. Daughter’s joy (the butterscotch had something to do with it)
  2. Computer back from being fixed, for free!
  3. My mother in law, who is grace embodied
  4. Diane’s shoppe of wonderful things
  5. A frozen morning walk
  6. The pink sky over the trees
  7. Synchronicity
  8. Warm warm weather, in November
  9. My MT family
  10. Pictures of the mountains


  1. An unexpected and completely wonderful package from our favorite (it’s easy to favor the world’s best!) librarian- beautiful books for the girls to enjoy
  2. Rest and sleep and recovery from the world’s longest cold (from my perspective)
  3. Ironing out details and smoothing ruffled feathers between professionals 
  4. A meeting with incredible minds and hearts and souls 
  5. Seeing a few big-picture vantage points
  6. Working out, which feels wonderful, why do I let it lapse
  7. Standing my mama ground
  8. Letting others have a bad moment without needing to join them 
  9. Peace and quiet inside
  10. Creative recovery