All posts by Crystal

New Normal

Adjusting to the new normal- in so many ways. Prolonged illness, being somewhere that’s not home, a changed reflection in the mirror, inner shifts of clarity and direction.
Knowing what I want.
Unexpected coils of energy
When it’s all flow
The first few minutes of silence after a long night


Knowing there are doctors and hospitals nearby if we need them
My babies, my heart in two pieces
The amazing lengths a mom will go through for her kids, without batting an eye
Holding my sick Hannah all night if that’s what it takes
Even when I can barely function- that’s a special, God-given strength
The rise and fall of sleeping breath
Having resources, books, etc literally at my fingertips through it all

24 hours

A 24 hour bug that hit us all actually lasted a bit less
My husband, who sacrificed sleep to help with the baby even though he had to work today
Forced self-care
Hugging my eldest
Her golden curls
Planning fun things to do, esp for Easter
My MIL, who helps so much
Rest day
Looking back, seeing that I wasn’t listening to my body, learning from that


Simply subtracting what isn’t working
My Hannah’s health, after a tummy bug
A day of no-thing but care for her
My mother in law, who is compassion personified
My husband’s arm around my shoulders
My dear friend’s calls, texts, and amazing vibrational frequency ;)
Who also keeps me young and young-thinking
Finding my true north
Not taking on stress that would lead away from it
Rose’s good news and joy- hooray Rose!


Cleaning for the buyer, envisioning everything lovely for him, remembering how excited we were to move in
Planning ahead
Dropping stories
Realizing I was thinking about something unpleasant and then remembering I could think about something else
Having a halfhearted intention, and it came to pass
Connecting with my toddler
Loving myself enough not to push myself into exhaustion
Keeping my important daily rituals
Small wins
Chatting with my father-in-law


My in-laws, who are endlessly loving and compassionate
My daughter, whose sharp mind catches everything
My husband, who is so strong I swear he could pick up a car and then take a walk around the block
Our (soon to be old) neighbors, who completely break my heart that they’re not going to be our neighbors forever. But I’m really glad that our new buyer is going to get a great house AND the best neighbors ever.
My friends, some who listen endlessly on the phone, some who show up with strong backs to move furniture, some who send loving thoughts, all who are supportive and wonderful
Me, I’m really grateful for who I am and who I’m becoming, my commitment to my True Self and self-care, and to my gentleness, especially with myself.


Walks, plural
Asking myself what I really want
And following through (creatively :)
My life
The power to choose
Our incredible, vast, complete freedom
Even, or especially when we think we’re not
Questioning thoughts
Seeing things in new light
Gravitating towards changes that I love


This awesome movie, thanks Sally!
Listening to my wild child (thanks Martha Beck)
Thanks to her book The Four Day Win
Painting and drawing
Sending love and compassion
All the chickadees!
Answering the question, “what would I like to experience next?”
Rewiring and recalibrating
My amazing husband
My incredible and joy-filled daughters
Seeing so much change
Getting ready
Thank you