All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Grateful Day

Waiting for my phone to charge -again, Today’s adventures await. Yesterday’s were soul soothing. Quiet conversation and reminiscing.

A drive in the country to go to a restaurant we hadn’t been to before. Beautiful place . Good food. Good service.

Hubby ate like a teenager. I ate like someone who has a Drs appointment next week.

We remarked that there seems to be a day for everything. I wonder if there is a Grateful Day?

Would you believe it is today in Pennsylvania!!! A Day of Gratitude for Veterans and First Responders

World Gratitude Day is September 21st. Write a thank you note. Make a list or start a journal.

Finding things to be grateful for is my second nature.Flipping negative to positive a conscious exercise. Have a Grateful Day!

While My Phone Charges

Grateful for blue skies and sunshine and free tickets to the zoo. Time to make the most of it.

Grateful that choir is rehearsing tonight.I have missed it.

Grateful the phone can take pictures. A miracle really all the phone can do!

Grateful for my swimming friends. Swimming is good exercise and friendship makes it better.

Sending out a notice for a face to face meeting. we are still wearing masks and keeping distant. Grateful the Church is providing a room to meet in.

These Gratitude Lists that center me. Let me count.


Negative Can Be Positive

No rain lets me go for a walk.

No pain means no cane.

No class means i finished my book.

No conflicts means the Bonfire Girls can get together.

No mosquitoes means we are not driven in.

No detours. Gets me home quickly and safely.

Covid Negative for my friend! inhale EXHALE!

Give thanks for the negatives because two two negatives make a positive.

Labor Day Is Over

Grateful for the Labor Day weekend. Like reading the last few pages of a book you liked.

Reading a book I like. Amazing how the pages can take you away.Reading late at night.

Text from a friend who is sick. He wants no sad songs sung. What music would you want at your wake? Having a friend close enough to talk about it.

No cookout but made chili instead.Two batches Mama mild and Hubby habanero Grateful for Beano and Pepto.

Labor Day renamed Drudgery Day as we cleaned corners and cobwebs. Upended a bucket of water and it wasn’t fun anymore.Grateful for the dent in the dust.

Summer’s end is bittersweet and exhilarating.(Pumpkin spice)

Shelf Life

New second hand bookstore on Front St in the Falls..Shelf Life.

Not only are books just $1.00 you can bring books in for credit. I got 3 books for $2.50. (An adult coloring book,a biography of Eleanor Roosevelt an inspirational quick read called Tomorrow.)

Carol’s enthusiasm will never expire. She found books for her little library.She was exuberant over kids books by Madonna.

Many people would look at the area of the store and say it could not be made attractive but with music and art work it feels cozy.

Invigorated by some culture we enjoyed the cooler day with a short hike. I have lost a little weight yet still needed to stop at every bench. Some day I will be more lively.

Masks are back. I’m grateful to all who are being cautious. I will do what I can to emend my shelf life.

I have a story bouncing around in my head. It is illusive but I will give it life!

Genre for my book club this month is favorites. How do you decide? Books are magic just words yet you soar and you feel. True shelf life!

Slipping Into September

I embrace the cooler temperature. The bracing air is invigorating.

Getting over getting over. I confront a situation instead of.  ducking. I run towards an opportunity instead of slipping into the shadows.

Each month I expect it to be different without making changes. I set some goals.

We took a walk yesterday. Bench to bench. Heart to hearts.Heave ho doggy butt.

The eagles soared above. The hearts ready for September below.

Meteorological Fall

My friend says tomorrow is Fall so goodbye Summer. Cerebrally =so long. Emotionally= begone! Gratefully I remain strong!

Grateful to have survived a Summer of doctors visits and physical therapy. Grateful for insurance so we aren’t destitute. Grateful for new doctors. We are alive!

Grateful for my home. The porch and the comfy spots.The AC to make things tolerable.

Grateful for quiet days,peaceful naps and early nights. No action. No reactions.A time of rest.

Thank you to all the authors who wrote all the books that entertained me for hours.Some days I was reading one a day.

My Facebook friends. My swimming friends. Face to face at a slow pace.When I speed up I have to slow down. But slower I see more!

looking forward to cooler temperatures and a change of scenery. Life outside the goldfish bowl!


Numerous thunderstorms over the weekend. I love to watch a storm. Rumbling it gives notice building up. Intensifies . Produces. Then  grumbling.moves on

.Most people never notice , So sad! I embrace it and seldom are driven in from the porch.

A storm clears the air . Natures inhaler. Breathe deep the clean fresh air.

The lightning flashes and the thunder crashes. It is a symphony loud followed by rhythmic drumming then whispering  rainfall. Music to my ears.

Ida made landfall with incredible rainfall. The winked wind whirled and whisked away at random. Sympathy to those who lost. Safety to those who stayed.Hubby is fascinated by storms. Always glad when he watches with me but I don’y like the Weather Channel.

We saw a red light bubbling amidst the storm clouds last night. Not a plane. We deeded someone was flying a drone for after darting about to and fro it descended. I have never seen anything like it!

Just rain predicted today , Necessary and nice but I love storms!

Morning Glories

One morning glory is blooming in the middle of the hydrangeas. It pleases me as much as the quantity I will have when the mountain of heart shaped leaves start to give me daily morning glories.

Am writing Morning Pages. I am profound , prolific and eloquent too. Today I read what I had written in May when I was struggling . I rescued myself out of the rip tide. I found my way and will again.

My approach to the Pages is to pour out my soul. Like magic the same message will appear again and again.

Set up an account I had been putting off. Such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. I fought procrastination and I won!

I have sciatica in my hip. Grateful for medicine that helps. Have to slow down so I will enjoy the glory of the morning!

Sisters Of The Heart

God gave me a cluster of sisters. Each has helped me find my way to this day,this year, this particular time.

One is in heaven. She struggled and she was misunderstood. But I grasp what she tried to say and do. We had a unique bond.

Oldest is  the leader and a model in strength. Like two magnets we are far apart and close. depending on the situation.

One closest in age and most in touch. Our bond is familial and familiar. She puts the fun in fundamental.

Some friends have become sisterlike. Some through music or words, some through prayer or faith some through shared life experiences , some through sharing their life experiences.

Some friends have been there a long time.They are comfortable and dependable. I can’t imagine life without them.

Some are new and exciting. They are joyful and exuberant. There is peace in the exchange of listening. My life is better because of them.

Grateful for my sisters of the heart!