All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Planning Ahead

Just posted the announcement for our monthly meal at Church. Grateful to be able to help.

The containers are bought and ready. Thankful we are both well this month.

Grateful for the donation of hot dogs and buns from an area restaurant.

Grateful for the donation that helps us supplement the Church budget.

Grateful for one donation of a crock pot of sloppy joe. Must remember to make mine.

Bakers get the month off. My quirky sense of humor thinks donut holes (Popem’s) are perfect for Father’s Day.

A picnic to go. Sloppy joe, hot dogs or coney dogs. potato chips, baked beans, and a fruit cup. Dad won’t have to grill.

It is in giving we receive. Give generously!

Last Week

Added Velma Jane to our family circle. Her birth was scary but grateful for good outcome for baby and Mom. I will remember her coming and the relief of hearing she had arrived.

Just a little baby 5lb something and four weeks early. Delicate but sturdy.

Everyone has a birth story. My mind is abuzz with the idea for writing.

A shower! The chance to celebrate with cupcakes and delicious food. Nice to see everyone.

Beautiful packages are for Becca to open. I would have liked to see what people brought but so much love in those packages.

My G daughter came clear from North Carolina . Thank you Bryan for coming from Georgia to bring her.

Realizing while an honorary G daughter is just born the other is grown. She has her own opinions and her own life.

Happy to spend an afternoon with daughter and her love. I am proud to call them mine.

Back to swim exercise. I need to build up my strength. Hubby is joining me for his own workout,

A children’s sermon about the importance of resting gave me the excuse to read and listen to music.

It was a week of birth and rebirth.



The calendar slipped into June while I was sleeping. Lost a week to a virus. Grateful  for lozenges,sinus meds ,popsicles and kleenex.

Hubby’s adventure with pneumonia seems like a bad dream. Glad to wake up and find him well. (He can take care of me)

Woke to a world without masks. I’m still choosing to wear one but majority have  tossed theirs in a graduation celebration.

Happy there are graduation parties and a return to no mask time. We lost a year and a half. Many lost friends and family.

This Memorial Day remember our fallen heroes the soldiers and the brave heroes of COVID.

Happy June! Never take a single breath for granted!

Second Chances

Everyday is a second chance and full of second chances.

Today I breathe in and out for the obvious and subtle ones. Inhale-life! Exhale-Live it!

We clung to each other as life’s storm pounded around us.Grateful to have survived.

Sunshine as we move forward to new opportunities.Peace in the night.

The air is fresher. The sky bluer. We are counting our blessings and readying ourselves if we need more strength.

Plan to use our second chances wisely.


Grateful for a walk in the park with a friend on this overcast ,cool,comfortable morning.

The diversion of fowl and the diverse areas of conversation.Comfortable silence.

Greetings and goings on. A parade of bikets whiz by.

We see more going slow. We learn by listening. Life is in the details.

Stopping at Church to sign a form to find all staff there. The comfort of a few words of comfort. The lovely feeling of being loved. The power of prayer.

The privilege of finishing a book then napping.

If things get complicated later this week I’m grateful for the comfortable simplicity of today.



Grateful For Changes

The changes that heals. We are all breathing easier.

The change in weather that makes me grateful for A/C,fans,capris and porch furniture.

The change in routine where you realize you are essential. And that people in your life are vitally important.

A baby coming! Changes abound for my friends. So grateful for this serendipity.

And a baby shower. This will be one well dressed baby girl.She is already loved!

Saw a friend yesterday. She had lost weight. I have gained. But we laughed and any physical change didn’t matter. A grateful meeting of the minds.

The grass grows. The flowers change from tulips to petunias. The world is unfolding as it should.




The Sisterhood of the Traveling Plant

My friend Carli announces there will be a plant sale at her daughter’s school. We always buy hanging baskets so glad to help.

I remember having my kids having to do fundraisers and happy to buy from Laney. Sweet little girl.

My petunia arrives on the most chaotic weekend. She lives in Aurora while things settle down.

Monday we formulate a plan. Tuesday purple petunia goes to Carli’s Mom Cheryl (also my friend)

There are some people you can recognize by their laugh. Cheryl is a shining star.

Next stop is Cora’s (Cheryl’s sister) also my friend and she spreads sunshine. Her Hubby Bill beams.

“The plant is here!” And now she is home.Thankful to the many people responsible for getting her here.

If friendship is miracle grow this plant has been drenched in love.

Modern Conveniences

Thankful for antibiotics. Grateful for those in the medical field.

The patient souls who deal with impatient spouse and the patient. I didn’t say thank you. I hope they know!

The knowledge to find the right combinations to to take someone from breathless to breathing in just a day. Mind boggling!

Amazing technology that keeps me connected to a web of people. Love is in the air!

Three ovens provide six racks to cook enough food for 100 people in three hours.

The amazing ability to be able to say Alexa play “Humble and Kind” and she says OK.

Grateful to live where and when I do. Let me be grateful for the conveniences that I take for granted but have brought us through.

It is a grateful day! Let the healing continue!




I can’t breathe was a phrase used often in 2020. Blessings upon those who suffered.

, I didn’t think I would hear Hubby say it.We knew he was unwell but attributed it to a new med. A heaving chest and broken breathing .Am I still sleeping?

Grateful for paramedics,transport and staff at ER.  So grateful to be able to be in the room.

Grateful for cell phone. The word spread and we were uplifted  in prayer and love from all over. Special thanks to local kids.

I can breathe! It’s not his heart!

Sigh of relief! He’s improving!

Pneumonia and he is coming home. (Patient Dr put the Xray up and showed me when I didn’t believe)

Hubby is still coughing but I can breathe!