All posts by MaryEllenNeitz

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Soft flannel shirts. I got my own after borrowing Hubby’s constantly.

Masks protect from COVID and protect my nose and mouth.

Wore my polar bear hat to the library. I enjoyed the smiles I caused.

The bliss of going to the library to choose books and pick up a request. So glad the library is open.

Making soup today. The ease of a container of precut up carrots and celery.

I am warm. I am secure. I choose to go to water exercise. I look forward to coming back home.

Stay warm everyone!


The sunshine though it is cold awakens hope of Spring.

My soul at peace released from burdens I didn’t even know I had. The power of morning pages. Self-discovery and forgiveness on many levels.

Wanting carrot cake, finding it, buying it and enjoying it. Awakes the knowledge I can indulge and not go back to poor choices all the time

Amos the amaryllis is on track for a Valentine blooming. The bulb was clearanced and I predicted its timetable.

Realizing the local library is open only to find the Akron ones have been open. I love to go to the library.

But discovered the ease of ordering books sent to library.

Books took me through the pandemic and daily awaken joy in me.

Pay attention there are stirrings and awakenings!

When The Spirit Moves

Morning pages have opened a portal into the past.

Amazing things that become clear. I’m buoyant.

Finding time to let yourself find yourself.A spiritual moment in the therapy pool. Move and meditate. It was spiritual.

Letting go of the weight of the past. My fathers birthday and I take the lid off of child reminiscences.They were skewed.

I am worthy! I am forgiven ! Nothing was my fault. Its a gift! A revelation.

When the spirit moves get out of the way!

February Comes In

I am journaling again always provides insight. I was reviewing my January because I don’t want life to blur the way it has been.

Made a picture of words and colored it. January came in like Eeyore and went out like Pooh.

Grateful to A.A Milne who created these characters. I love them all . They define my moods.

Groundhog Day In Laughing club we celebrated the whistle pig. Remembering days and people from then.

Carol is counting to Spring. I am planting seeds and growing bulbs. Bought some pink tulips.

Found the cutest little animal planters. Happiness for less than $5.

But then I needed more. But I’m still pleased. Bloom.

Snow predicted overnight but it just looks white. Transform the mud.

Looking just at today. I will not be anxious about tomorrow.

Happy February!

Ripple Effect

Ripples from the epicenter. Grateful to recognize the pattern and be part of the flow.

The rock is tossed in the lake. Its splash frightens the fish, But the geese must adjust to the changes too. Grateful for the adaptability of a goose.

I am a catalyst. My choices and lack of them cause a ripple of events over time. Acknowledging my effect.

Ripples of kindness from a random act. Ripples of destruction from another. Grateful I don’t have to process them all.Grateful to be able to start my own vibration and vow to B+.

What ripples will we see from this year of disturbance? What energy have we seen that is positive?

I have had time to notice the ripples. I have started a few circles and dodged the riptide. I have not been swept away. Thank you Lord!

Let the ripples I am responsible for be intentional and idyllic. Let me be aware of my effect!


Remembering that this life though different it is good.

Grateful that things are open and we are turning a corner.

My freedom to come and go.

My Hubby always here.

Valentine decorations. Reminders of love.

Seeing a friend for a minute face to face.

Water exercise. I’ll do what I can.

The new refrigerator is full.  But not an idea what to have for dinner.

New calamaris is growing. Go Amos!

My assortment of masks.


Grateful Four

For Hubby who is fixing the sweeper. The amount of fur reminds me of the abundance of furry creatures who share our space. Particularly grateful for the do who loves so unconditionally and abundantly.I take the love that surrounds me for granted!

For books that transport you, entertain you, educate you and transform you. The opportunity to see an author on Zoom. who has transformed so many lives. Staying up late to read just a little more,going back to study her chapter lead ins. This pandemic has been wonderful for allowing me so much reading time.

For forgiveness. It is a gift when received, when bestowed,when accepted and when contemplated. Thinking of every relationship and how the exchange of forgiveness is there.Exploring self forgiveness which makes the others possible.

Grateful for the bedroom where my nest is-clean now!. The room where my thoughts are transcribed-creativity ,calm and transition.. The room that washes the detritus away-the clean renewed feeling..My house-my home!

Grateful for these four grateful fours!

Grateful Every Day

After not feeling well last week grateful to be up and about at 8. (Dressed too)

A good cup of coffee . Excited to try some unusual flavors. Grateful for sugar free creamer.

Sugar free popsicles are an acceptable treat. I made oatmeal cookies on Sunday.

Hubby will wash today. Mostly pajamas indicates a sketch  of last week. A healing week.

Christmas not put away but stashed. Ready to put up some Valentine’s decorations,

Interrupted sleep points me in new direction. Instead of Valentines I’m sending love notes.

Thinking deep about the sermon yesterday. It jabs at ME.

A book on my phone that I am loving but read it puts me to sleep.

If thoughts haunt me tonight perhaps I will listen to it.

Grateful for this day. Keep calm and carry on.


A Sense of…

Sensing sunshine. Spring is in the distance. Sensing the changes.

A sense of well being. My body is better . My mind is clear.Sense of self.

Sensing creativity. My well had run dry as I hid huddled afraid. Time to plan. Can do.

Sensing growth. Like the Christmas flowers. Bud, Blossom,Bloom.

A sense of newness. A sense of possibility. I’m OK/ You’re OK /We’re OK/ It will be OK.

A sense of being loved. Loving and being cherished. Family and agape.

A sense of laughter. A sense of burdens lifted. A sense of strength and power!



Virtual Hug For You

National Hug Day! A cruel day when touching someone is like leprosy.I don’t have cooties but we could contract COVID.

But I can send virtual hugs. I have gotten things in the mail this week and I swear I can feel the love in the gift or note. A voice on the phone is a connection. So grateful to be remembered.

Hugs express so much. I was a hugger and I have unexpressed hugs in me!Hugs of joy! Hugs of despair!Hugs to strengthen . Hugs to share. Greetings! Good wishes!Goodbyes!

The hugs are blocked and roll down my cheeks. Untouched I fade away. But I resist.

Stay in touch as we are missing being hugged. Say it don’t hold it in. Compliments, condolences, cheery cherishes,caring and sharing.

Let your words do the hugging! Find ways to be a hugger!

Consider yourself hugged!