All posts by Patty

winter 2025

finally getting to a project that’s been on my list the last 3 winters

old photos to help me relive memories

going through boxes of old school work and realizing we actually did a pretty good job homeschooling

reconnecting with old friends

some new resources to help us  fight Lyme

realizing as I get older exactly what’s important in life

snow.  if it’s gotta be freezing there should be snow

our pellet furnace that keeps on ticking

the joy i get from our bird feeder



WLG re-re-discovered

it’s been awhile

lots to be grateful for in 2024

i turned 70- i don’t feel 70 but it is what it is

had my 50th wedding anniversary, grateful to do life with my hubby

even though i need tuned up in a few areas, i enjoy excellent health, which allows me to help care for my husband who doesn’t

so grateful i had the time to help my mom in her last year of life, and as difficult as it was sometimes to put her first i have no regrets and lots of good memories

i am going to be a grandmother again

grateful my adult kids all value my advice or are at least willing to listen to my opinion

my son bought the house next door!

i was invited to join a book club – i’ve always wanted to try one

i am still physically able to work my gardening job, although the bags of mulch seemed heavier this year 😏

i found out my medicare plan pays for membership at a health club so i can keep my body moving

hope you all are well




WLG re-discovered

found my WLG username/PW in an old journal -haven’t posted since 2014

grateful to read my old posts, and realize I am still mostly grateful for the same things , and hope that doesn’t make me boring

grateful I can still be reminded of Ruth when I see her daughters on FB

grateful for the feeling I get when I look at our Christmas tree which is still up at the end of January 😏

grateful my mom is still able to come over for dinner on Sundays at age 90

grateful for my sister who takes such good care of our mom, hopefully if I ever retire I can help more

grateful for that Friday afternoon rush when I realize I have two days ahead of me to work on my projects!

grateful I have money to pay the bills even if we’re broke for the next two weeks

grateful for self-sufficient grown children

grateful I’m getting the hang of everything my smartphone can do

My weekend list

A hibiscus bloom in the middle of a deep freeze

my car that starts every morning despite sub-zero temps

a car that passes echeck – yippee!

Finding and reading an article about the town of Yakutsk Russia in Siberia -they cancel school when it is -55C (-67F)!

a productive day

weekends -LOVE them

our pellet furnace that keeps our house toasty

people willing to trade services

music – and the emotion it elicits

the simple things in life

Hi ruth

I had a visit with Ruth this morning

i read all her WLG lists

then all her blog

then looked at all the pictures on dance for ruth

and watched the flash mob video

so grateful these things exist

she’s still inspiring me

i love weekends

a clean house

pot of homemade soup that we’ll enjoy for several meals

apple crisp that makes the house smell wonderful

projects completed

excitement of things to come

being inspired

my son’s friend with a snowplow

my son’s dog who is his “family” when they’re far away from home

young adults with passion for life

reading other people’s lists

a new start

a new year – having a reason to examine things and decide where to make some changes

had all my kids home at the same time this year – it’s so fun seeing them together and hearing about their adult lives – all so very different from each other and unique in their passions

it’s sure going to be quiet around here when everyone finally has to leave

finally some snow – so much better than mud season in December

feeling motivated to tackle some of the piles around here

creating lists for the near future

looking at old pictures to see “the way we were”

accomplishing something small that makes a difference


my son’s positive nature

you’ve got a friend

My health

The beautiful days the last few weeks that allowed me to work my gardening job

Plants that hang onto their colors till the bitter end

The smell of pine needles on the ground

The smell of lavender

My health insurance that allows my husband to continue with physical therapy

My sister who is always there to listen and give advice

Friends that call out of the blue for a coffee date just when I need a friend

Having the motivation to walk instead of watch TV

Reading other people’s lists

a short list

today I grateful for

our extra bedroom, so when our kids come for a visit they actually have beds

anticipation of a family get together

chocolate, in any form

my first sip of coffee

good communication

blessed quiet

physical strength

when the dog decides it’s not worth barking at every car that comes down our road

that’s all





this beautiful day

this beautiful day

I got to work outside all day – a pleasant change from my desk job

I still had energy left at the end of the day to tackle a big job outside at our house

A sweet visit with my mom

My daughter trying to take charge of her life

Mixed berry muffins

Putting a flower bed to bed for the winter – cutting back all the plants until it’s neat and tidy

The double rainbow I saw last night – I haven’t seen a rainbow in years – it seemed like I was driving right into it

Someone loaned my daughter a car when hers bit the dust

Flowers that don’t bloom until late september/october