All posts by Richard

Gratitudes: April 16 – 22

  1. Sat Apr 16; Beautiful day, made progress at work today, good shopping expedition, helpful information from internet, good meals.
  2. Sun Apr 17: Lovely day, took a walk, good conversations with family, good meals, helpful info from internet, grateful to be alive.
  3. Mon Apr 18: Beautiful day, pleasant walk to library, made progress at work, pleasant conversation with boss, good meals, helpful info from internet, opportunity to stretch and exercise.
  4. Tues Apr 19: Enjoyed lunch outside and the walk home.  Grateful to have finished the presentation for tomorrow.  Thankful I do like some of the tasks I do.
  5. Weds Apr 20: Thankful for lovely weather, lunch outside, a successful presentation at work, and a great therapeutic massage.  Thank you God!
  6. Thurs Apr 21: Pleasant day, progress at work, informative doctor appointment, good meals, and opportunity to stretch.
  7. Fri Apr 22: The wonderful smell of raindrops, pleasant conversations with helpful co-workers, productive shopping trips, great to get Joan’s good news, good meals, good stretch session, progress at work.

Gratitudes April 9-15, 2016

  1.  Sat Apr 9: Thankful for a pleasant walk to work and back, made progress on a project, good meals, well rested, and pleasant interactions with others.
  2. Sun Apr 10: Grateful for a productive day, making it to pilates class, shopping, cooking, and realizing I need to learn to take time to rest and not push myself so hard so fast so much.
  3. Mon Apr 11: Productive day at work, early to appointment, helpful conversations with co-workers, made progress on work and personal to do list.
  4. Tues Apr 12: Made progress at work, friendly help from co-workers, good meals, opportunity to stretch and turn in early.
  5. Weds Apr 13: had a positive very busy day with friendly help and communication from coworkers.  Appreciated inspiration to stay out of negativity.
  6. Thurs Apr 14: Productive day with friendly help from coworkers, good meals, and some stretching]
  7. Fri Apr 15: Productive and busy day, early for appointments.  Lovely concert in the evening.  Helpful information from internet “The Truth About Cancer” episode 4.  A good day.

Gratitudes April 2-8

  1.  Sat 4/2: I am grateful for a lovely day; enjoyed walking to library and back. I am thankful for good exercise class and productive morning shopping.  Good meals, good music to listen to, and the opportunity to stretch tonight.
  2. Sun 4/3: Lovely day to walk to work and back, pleasant conversations with family and friends, good meals, and the opportunity to get to sleep early.
  3. Mon 4/4: Enjoyed the sunshine walking to work and home.  Productive meeting and day at work.  Appreciate the opportunity for baking and stretching this evening.
  4. Tues 4/5: I am grateful for good advice from doctor and dietitian, and for the cheerful help of their friendly staff.  I am so very grateful that I can have some dark chocolate included in my diet!!!  I am thankful for a productive day and the opportunity to get to bed early.
  5. Weds 4/6: Grateful to get to first meeting early, productive day, helpful stretching instruction.  Enjoyed warm day and spent a few minutes outside in the sun.
  6. Thurs 4/7: Grateful to get to 1st appointment early, the friendly cheerful help of co-workers, opportunity to be of service to others, a productive day at work, and the opportunity to eat lunch outside (beautiful day).
  7. Fri 4/8: Productive day, good conversation setting boundaries with friend, enjoyed pleasant weather, good meals, made progress at work.

Gratitudes March 26-April 1st

  1. Sat March  26: Pleasant walk to the library, productive day, necessary chores accomplished, pleasant walk home admiring the pear trees and peach tree in bloom.
  2. Sun Mar 27: Beautiful Easter day!  Conversations with friends, the opportunity to be helpful for a co-worker and a friend, and the chance to dance!
  3. Mon Mar 28: Appreciate conversations with co-workers and friends; made progress at work.  Grateful for not being stiff this morning, and getting a ride home from co-worker.  Thankful for good meals and warm home.
  4. Tues Mar 29: Glad to be of service for others in preparing presentations.  Thankful the evening went well.
  5. Weds Mar 30: Grateful my presentation was completed in time and was well received.  Thankful for good meals, and lessons learned: from journal club (sit closer to professors), noticed how my mood colors my perception of events, and to avoid mannitol.
  6. Thurs Mar 31: Grateful for being productive at work today, for friendly help from co-workers, good meals, and the chance to go to sleep early.
  7. Fri Apr 1: Grateful to have successfully finished this very busy day.  Beautiful weather, productive meetings at work, cheerful help from co-workers, and the opportunity to be of service to others.

March 18-25 gratitudes

  1. Fri. 3/18: I am grateful getting thru this very busy day, being productive, and having the chance to get to bed early.
  2. Sat: 3/19: I am thankful for a productive shopping trip, good meals, and for stretching and exercise.
  3. Sun 3/20: I am grateful for conversing with relatives and friends, for inspiring music on you tube, and for making progress on home projects.  I am thankful to be able to visit relatives in May.
  4. Mon 3/21: Glad to be of service for others in sending information to friends.
  5. Tues 3/22: Grateful for making progress at work today, and for a productive shopping trip.  Happy to be less stiff today.
  6. Weds 3/23: Grateful for a good session with personal trainer to learn more stretches and exercises.  Beautiful sunny day.  Good meals, progress at work today,  helpful conversation with coworker.
  7. Thurs 3/24: I am grateful for another beautiful sunny spring day!  And thankful for making progress at work, eating good meals, and having a good pilates class.
  8. Fri 3/25: I am grateful for the opportunity to eat lunch outside in the sunshine, for making progress at work, helpful conversations with co-workers, a dark chocolate treat, and a peaceful mood.  I can choose to be peaceful or I can choose to be upset.  I am not as stiff from yesterday’s class as I had projected.  Looking forward to the next workout class.

March 10-17 gratitudes

  1. 3/10: I am thankful for feeling better today, a good training session at work. the opportunity to assist a friend, and the opportunity to get some extra rest tonight.  Thank God it’s Thursday!
  2. 3/11: Friday: I am grateful for the friendly help of co-workers, and for lessons learned about not pushing my body to the edge.  I am thankful my soreness is not as extensive as it could be.  I am grateful to learn from my experiences so that I do not need to repeat them. I am thankful for the analgesic cream that helps take the edge off the discomfort.
  3. 3/13: Sunday: I am grateful for feeling better overall (overcoming my cold and soreness), for conversations and emails with others, and for being productive.  I am thankful for inspiring music on you tube, and for the opportunity to make a contribution to the lives of others through communicating with them.
  4. 3/14: Monday: I am grateful to arrive early to help the professor proctor the exam.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be productive at work.  I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine (always gorgeous after the rain), and the opportunity to turn in early.  Not used to daylight savings time yet.
  5. 3/15: Tuesday: Lovely sunny day!  Enjoyed walking from library and doing some work outside.  Grateful for a productive day, and the opportunity to get in some stretching and exercise.  Spring is a hopeful season!  Exciting to see the daffodils, vinca minor, cherries blooming.  Thankful for beauty of nature and inspiration.
  6. 3/16: Weds: Another sunny day!  Enjoyed walking home from work.  Grateful for productivity at work, and the opportunity to share helpful information with co-workers and friends.  Thankful for inspiring music on youtube and for the chance to get some extra rest tonight before a busy day tomorrow.
  7. 3/17: Thurs: I am thankful for a helpful physical therapy session.  I am grateful for the ability to respond quickly and appropriately to an unexpected work need.  A beautiful sunny day which enabled me to eat lunch outside!  I am thankful for a dependable vehicle which makes life so much easier.  I am grateful for feeling better.

Monday gratitude

I am grateful to read some of Crystal’s inspiring gratitude autobiography. I am thankful for feeling better today after going to the doctor yesterday. I am grateful for friendly help and conversation from coworkers and friends. I am thankful for this method of practicing gratitude. I am grateful for the chance to get to bed early and rest up.