All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

Slow and Easy Sunday

  1. sleeping in
  2. quality time with my hubby
  3. feeling better today
  4. the warmth and love of family
  5. going with the flow but having the determination to change things up when necessary
  6. time to relax and move slowly
  7. learning, learning and learning some more
  8. rest at the end of the day

Memorial Day Musings

  • memories and moments of those no longer with us. Missing them so much but I am so grateful for the time God allowed me to be with them
  • making peace with my body and loving all of me instead just parts of me
  • hugs just because
  • family…first, last and always
  • things and people that inspire and encourage me
  • deep and rich belly laughs
  • timing…what is meant for me will always find me
  • for commitments that help me to look forward not back
  • a beautiful day

Friday Gratitude

  1. sunshine and blue skies, they always make me happy
  2. family, they are the best part of me
  3. always having enough… whether it be money, time, happiness or love
  4. the ability to learn, may it never stop
  5. my perfectly imperfect life…I wouldn’t trade it for the world
  6. lessons learned, they just keep coming
  7. today, it will never be again

Grace on a Gloomy Wednesday!

  1. sleeping in and waking to my husband’s gentle snore, this shouts “safe, secured loved
  2. morning  coffee
  3. daily life through my new glasses
  4. the sweet sounds of Spring (before the rain)…birds chirping, mowers mowing
  5.  feeling, loved, needed and appreciated
  6. my husband, he’s the best
  7. the relaxing sound of rain on the roof
  8. a rainy day that allows me to stay in and enjoy a good read
  9. genuinely kind people
  10. family first and always
  11. life…how sweet it is

Just another AMAZING Monday

  1. a beautiful weekend
  2.  a bittersweet Saturday. We attended my niece’s graduation from college, her mother would have been so proud. (I think she knows, or at least I hope she does)
  3. having both of our kids home for the weekend, it has been a long time time since we all have been under the same roof at the same time
  4. answered prayers
  5. all that I have had, all that I have and all that is coming
  6. moments today just to be still (short though they may have been)
  7. time, what a precious gift
  8. finding gratitude in an unexpected circumstance
  9. a simple reminder from a family member to “take care of yourself too”
  10. family, God knew what He was doing
  11. the beauty found in each day

Wednesday Musings

  1. early morning “God & Me Time”
  2. my little dog Sophie, who loves me unconditionally
  3. alone time time to self-care
  4. family, God knew what he was doing
  5. rekindling an old friendship
  6. allowing things to be as they are, flowing with instead of fighting against
  7. end of the day tiredness
  8. learning…may its never stop

Tuesday Gratitude

  1. sleeping in
  2. morning coffee
  3. those who reach back when I reach out
  4. friends who are near and friends that are far
  5. the free, unrestrained and totally unforced or self concious laughter of kids
  6. hot water to take ridiculously long showers
  7. clean sheets, freshly shaved legs and my favorite pillow
  8. at this moment all is well in my world, life is good and God is great…good nite

Finding the Grace

  1. another cool day, sometimes you just have to make your own sunshine
  2. items marked off “My Honey Do List”
  3. quiet moments to relax and just be
  4. when focused intention brings insight and truth
  5. the amazing people that make my life richer
  6. when comfort shifts and peace is all that is left
  7. joy just because
  8. rest at the end of the day

A Fabulous Friday

  1. the weekend is here
  2. sleeping in
  3. family always
  4. a relaxing day, just my husband and I
  5. the little things that make life easier
  6. moving slowly and enjoying it after a long chaotic week
  7. presence & patience
  8. a mouth-watering bowl of lime sherbet
  9. simply the most beautiful day