All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

Thursday Grace

  • sunshine, 71 degrees, beautiful blue skies, all signs that Spring has arrived
  • catching up in a myriad of ways
  • a manicure and pedicure that makes me feel like a million bucks
  • a nice lunch with my hubby
  • a phone call with my daughter and then one with my son
  • loving and being loved unconditionally
  • slowing down after a long week
  • this moment to say thank you for blessings that are beyond measure, we stay blessed

Hump Day Revisited

  1.  my new macbook, it’s great to be connected again.  What a nice gift from my husband
  2. my  husband he’s a wonderful provider, having everything I need and more than I want
  3. a  productive day
  4. completing a dreaded task and the weight that has been lifted in simply knowing that it is finished
  5. moving forward, baby steps get us where we want to be too
  6. the ability to learn, may it never stop
  7. family, when they are good, I am good
  8. a never ending  supply of reading material
  9. all the comforts of home

Grace on a Rainy Thursday

  1. sleeping in
  2. the relaxing sound of rain on the roof
  3. green sprouting up everywhere
  4. my first daffodil  of the season, it shouts to me that Spring has truly arrived
  5. warm weather on this rainy day, the sun is not out like yesterday but warmth has truly arrived
  6. baby steps…they are progress too
  7. 49 lbs. lost… woo hoo!
  8. the escape that a good book provides
  9. this day, it will never be again

Manic Monday!

  1. pacing myself during this hectic day
  2. a nice text from a friend to check to see how I was doing, so nice to be reminded that he cared
  3. an unending supply of juicy, sweet navel oranges
  4. full coverage insurance
  5. faith that never leaves  no matter what is happening around me
  6. family first, last, and always
  7. quiet evenings after hectic days
  8. sunrise to sunset and every second in between

Happy 1st Day of Spring (woo hoo!)

  1. surviving  winter
  2. sunshine and warm air, you always make me happy
  3. the quiet of the early morning
  4. the comfort of a soothing, hot bubble bath
  5. routines that make my day flow with ease
  6. continuing my promise to myself to remain reasonably centered (especially in the midst of chaos)
  7. Family…God knew what he was doing
  8. a relaxing Sunday, spent with a good book
  9. time one of our greatest gifts

Just Another Monday

  • the freedom that comes from letting go
  • warmer weather today, it really has me longing for Spring
  • new kindle books
  • difficult conversations that have great results
  • the ease and security found in loving for years
  • family what a beautiful gift
  • allowing my feelings of sadness space and time
  • appreciating that there is much to be thankful for even in chaos

Wednesday Graces

  1. hitting the snooze button for the first time in weeks
  2. sleep that makes you feel like a million bucks
  3. refreshing hot showers
  4. my husband, what a wonderful provider and source of support
  5. my kids they are the best part of me
  6. a stranger’s card of sympathy. The simple phrase, “I knew her so I feel your loss.” Always appreciate the kindness of strangers, hold it dear
  7. routines that make my morning flow
  8. food on the table
  9. all that I have and that is to come
  10. the gift of each new day