All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

It’s Been A Year – 1/8/2022

  1. remembering my sister, it’s so hard to believe that it’s been a year without her. Oh how we miss her. We needed her but God needed her more. Memories are precious.
  2. life & time, both are a wonderful gift. Life may not always be easy to live but never take it for granted. It’s fragile and often passes to quickly.
  3. the ability to choose which direction to travel in on this journey.
  4. love given and love received
  5. the ability to laugh at myself
  6. my husband, the normalcy that having him with me affords.So grateful that he stayed home from work today to help through this tough day, he always has my back and I am grateful
  7. another day

TGIF -1/7/2022

  1. a short walk in the fresh winter air before the snow began
  2. time may we never take it for granted
  3.  a new nail color, perfect for winter
  4. releasing something that simply did not serve me
  5. the wisdom and maturity that comes with age
  6. family, first and always
  7. being toasty inside while the snow  shimmers and blows outside

Hump Day – 1/5/22

  1. simply waking up today, a blessing in itself
  2. support lended just at the right time
  3. love given and  love received
  4. challenging perceptions, stretching what I am made of
  5. a place to call home
  6. new kindle books
  7. a hearty bowl of potato soup with cornbread for lunch
  8. enjoying the simple things

Sunday Vibe 1/2/22

  1. pillow talk in the wee hours
  2. sleeping in and waking feeling more rested than I have in days
  3. having all that I want, more than I need
  4. love…what a beautiful gift
  5. my family, it’s the best
  6. the beauty of a quiet day
  7. clarity
  8. a heavenly strawberry parfait
  9. moving slowly
  10. a beautiful laid-back and easy Sunday

A New Year of Gratitude-1/1/22

  • making my peace and saying goodbye to the old year
  • anticipating and holding space for all that the new year brings
  • family…if they are good I am good
  • my sister’s slow but steady improvement, thank you God
  • a fresh beginning every morning
  • a renewed commitment to express my gratitude, I am blessed beyond measure
  • the routine, comfort and warmth of home
  • making the most of each day and always looking for the good in it
  • another day, time is a beautiful  gift that should never be taken for granted

  1. the quiet of the early morning
  2. being so incredibly ;loved
  3. knowing more today than yesterday, may my learning never cease
  4. who I am, flaws and all
  5. every moment, they are all sent to teach
  6. my sister’s improvement
  7. the gift of time

Rainy Days and Mondays

  1. a quiet simple rainy day in my quiet simple life which inspires me to relax, stay home and just go with the flow and honor my feelings
  2. finally getting a diagnosis, at least now I know
  3. acceptance…giving it to God
  4. my supportive family
  5. understanding smiles
  6. healing words, given and received
  7. loving family and friends who accept me just the way I am
  8. the gift of another day, each one is precious