All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

Grace on a Saturday

  1. the right words spoken at the perfect time
  2. facing personal shortcomings, acceptance, and  a renewed commitment for improvement
  3. fabulous friendships, old and new
  4. trusting without clarity
  5. answers that come come in their own time
  6. a safe, happy loving family
  7. my sister’s much needed chemo break
  8. so much love
  9. God’s mercy and care for me and mine
  10.  beautiful day

Hump Day!

  1. lessons learned and the wisdom and understanding that follows
  2. peace and patience, with myself and others
  3. a soothing soak in the bat
  4. opportunities to meet and embrace happy, positive people
  5. feeling full of energy and purpose today
  6. the gift of every new day

Monday Revisited

  1. delicious orange sherbet on a hot, humid day
  2. Summer, I love every second of it
  3. friends who listen not only with their ears, but also with their hearts
  4. a good follow-up checkup
  5. medical insurance and access to superior medical care
  6. quality time with those I love
  7. that life renews itself in every way imaginable
  8. family, God knew what He was doing
  9. this beautiful day

Tuesday Grace

  1. sunshine, blue skies
  2. doing what I can and letting the rest go
  3. two simple words, “thank you”
  4. genuinely kind people and the joy they bring to others
  5. not so kind people, they teach me to love others and to be kind always
  6. holding space for peace


  1. smoother recovery, thankful to be past the rough part
  2. life changes that lead to joy
  3. longer days, shorter nights
  4. time, slow or fast it passes and change comes
  5. summer rain followed by sunshine
  6. little reminders that life is infinite and timeless
  7. heart-felt belly laughter
  8. enjoying my pauses