All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

June 4, 2021

  • a great night sleep in my own bed
  • home, it’s my favorite place to be
  • a successful surgery
  • medical technology and doctors who have the wisdom and skill to restore us
  • God, He hasn’t failed me yet
  • the resiliency of the human mind, body and spirit
  • family, they are the best part of me
  • recovery, slow and steady wins the race
  • this site which allows me to express my gratitude


  1. beautiful weather, sunshine & blue skies who can ask for more
  2. family, friends, love and laughter
  3. the ability to adjust my attitude and overall perspective at any given moment
  4. pushing my self to do better, be better
  5. little things that bring great joy
  6. beautiful days

Feeling Friday

  1. TGIF
  2. strength, patience, wisdom repeat
  3. sunshine and blue skies even with a chill in the air
  4. surgery has finally been scheduled,  abiding by my commit not to stall it anymore
  5. loving and being loved unconditionally
  6. time, it’s such a beautiful gift
  7. each day and all that it brings


Happy First Day of May!

  1. a new month and all it brings
  2. family and friends that feels like family
  3. minutes and milestones
  4. learning and growing, knowing more today than I did yesterday
  5. this sunny warm day
  6. technology, face-timing with my daughter
  7. serving winter, COVID, and myriad of other near disasters (God is GOOD)

Friday Gratitude

  1. Friday
  2. the weekend is here
  3. sunshine & blue skies
  4. my first tulips of the season
  5. kind, open loving people
  6. patience, a little can go a long waSome sorely-needed unstructured time
  7. a little sorely needed, unstructured time
  8. time spent with loved ones
  9. time, it’s such a precious gift

Monday Grace 4/5/2021

  1. family first and always
  2. beautiful weather, sunshine, blue skies and 72 degrees
  3. the little things that make life easier, they are really not so little
  4. life, lessons and stories, we all have them
  5. when things line up the way you hoped
  6. prayers and praying
  7. the gift of another day