- the end of this week
- delicious red apples
- cold, icy water on a hot day
- hope, positivity and optimism
- time to work, but time to move slowly also
- showing up for whatever the day brings
- my family is well, I am well…we are blessed
- the gift of another day
All posts by Sterling
Sunday Gratitude!
- pillow talk in the early morning
- quality time with my husband
- sleeping in, then waking and enjoying simply moving slowly
- using this day to appreciate those people who are special in my life
- the first family gathering since restrictions for social distancing have been modified
- remembering always how truly blessed I am
- awesome day, awesome life
Have an amazing Sunday everyone!
Thankful Thursday
- sleeping in this morning
- beautiful sunshine after relaxing rain
- finding my voice and strength to say no to unnecessary and unwelcome drama
- hard conversations with better than expected outcomes
- resilience
- family and friends that feel like family
- books and the ability to read (one of my favorite pastimes)
- the gift of another beautiful day
Tuesday Blessings
- synchronicity
- my family, they are the best part of me
- home…it is where we love and are loved
- when life simply flows
- the many wonderful people that I am blessed to walk this journey with
- the ability to stretch, grow, learn and repeat, may it never stop
- hubby is on vacation all week….”us time” in progress
- the gift of each new day
Grateful-kind of vibe
- calls, texts and messages that let me know my family and friends are ok, loved and safe
- my family, they are the best
- 21 pounds lost
- focusing on the abundance of good in my life
- bubble baths with scent of pear glaze
- feeling joy just because
- an enjoyable day
- friends old, friends new
- timing and flow
- technology that keeps us connected
- 2 new pounds lost, healthier eating is paying off
- time spent with family
- blessings beyond measure
- the weekend
Tuesday Gratitude
- AC on this hot muggy day
- a nice walk this before the heat became stifling
- we are well, such a blessing in these chaotic times
- finally starting to adjust to the “new normal”
- flowing not fighting
- 14 pounds lost, eating healthier even when I don’t want to
- books, books and me books
Soulful Sundays
- coffee and chocolate yum, yum
- learning as I grow
- my sweet little dog Sophie, who shares her licks and nuzzles and loves me just as I am
- relaxing Sundays spent with the ones I love
- glorious Spring
- time for insightful inspiration
Thursday Blessings
- family first and always
- we remain well, thank you God
- fabulous connections with the special people in my life
- remembering that we are learning, stretching and growing even when we are sure that we are not
- authentic people
- still believing that there is goodness in the world and in people despite all the madness and evil that occurs that speaks to the contrary
- love, sweet love…God knew what he was doing
Happy Hump Day! (5/19/2020)
- the days that teach us
- we are happy, we are well, we are thankful
- flowing with and not fighting a myriad of feelings
- cleansing tears
- bad days, without them how would we learn to appreciate the good ones
- remembering it’s a bad day, never a bad life (tomorrow will be better)
- knowing I did the best I could and letting it be enough… nite all!