All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)


  1. the end of this week
  2. delicious red apples
  3. cold, icy water on a hot day
  4. hope, positivity and optimism
  5. time to work, but time to move slowly also
  6. showing up for whatever the day brings
  7. my family is well, I am well…we are blessed
  8. the gift of another day

Sunday Gratitude!

  1. pillow talk in the early morning
  2. quality time with my husband
  3. sleeping in, then waking and enjoying simply moving slowly
  4. using this day to appreciate those people who are special in my life
  5. the first family gathering since restrictions for social distancing have been modified
  6. remembering always how truly blessed I am
  7. awesome day, awesome life

    Have an amazing Sunday everyone!

Thankful Thursday

  1. sleeping in this morning
  2. beautiful sunshine after relaxing rain
  3. finding my voice and strength to say no to unnecessary  and unwelcome drama
  4. hard conversations with better than expected outcomes
  5. resilience
  6. family and friends that feel like family
  7. books and the ability to read (one of my favorite pastimes)
  8. the gift of another beautiful day

Tuesday Blessings

  1. synchronicity
  2. my family, they are the best part of me
  3. home…it is where we love and are loved
  4. when life simply flows
  5. the many wonderful people that I am blessed to walk this journey with
  6. the ability to stretch, grow, learn and repeat, may it never stop
  7. hubby is on vacation all week….”us  time” in progress
  8. the gift of each new day

Tuesday Gratitude

  1. AC on this hot muggy day
  2. a nice walk this before the heat became stifling
  3. we are well, such a blessing in these chaotic times
  4. finally starting to adjust to the “new normal”
  5. flowing not fighting
  6. 14 pounds lost, eating healthier even when I don’t want to
  7. books, books and me books

Thursday Blessings

  1. family first and always
  2. we remain well, thank you God
  3. fabulous connections with the special people in my life
  4. remembering that we are learning, stretching and growing even when we are sure  that we are not
  5. authentic people
  6. still believing  that there is goodness in the world and in people despite all the madness and evil that occurs that speaks to the contrary
  7. love, sweet love…God knew what he was doing

Happy Hump Day! (5/19/2020)

  1. the days that teach us
  2. we are happy, we are well, we are thankful
  3. flowing with and not fighting a myriad of feelings
  4. cleansing tears
  5. bad days, without them how would we learn to appreciate the good ones
  6. remembering it’s a bad day, never a bad life (tomorrow will be better)
  7. knowing I did the best I could and letting it be enough… nite all!