- learning, may it never stop
- hands that help
- quiet time just God and me
- 84 degrees, sunshine, blue skies…a beautiful day even from behind a mask
- pushing myself out of my comfort zone
- we are safe, we are happy, we are well, we are blessed….thank you God
All posts by Sterling
Tuesday Finished
- family first and always
- a city that is relaxing a bit
- trying to adjust to the new normal
- a nice day spent with my family
- orange sherbert
- amazing people who add color and richness in my life
- enjoying my moments as they come
Reflections on a Tuesday
- deep laughter with a friend
- constantly moving forward, even when my heart isn’t really in it
- family, always in all ways
- stillness
- opportunity, a chance to do something worthwhile and helpful for a stranger
- the gift of another day
- surviving a tough week
- a hot bubble bath, a nice glass of wine and a moment t relax and just breathe
- the right, words at the right time
- never taking life, things or people for granted
- a thoughtful message from and reply to a friend
- life…even on the bad days, every moment is a gift
Friday Fanastic
- conversation with my daughter along with my morning coffee
- sunshine, then rain, then snow that led to sunshine and a cold day
- laughter in the midst of this corona madness
- the health and safety of my family, loved ones and friends, we are blessed
- Jack’s off this weekend
- lunch with my daughter and son, good company and great salad
- great books and much time these days for quiet reflection
- enjoying home and family. I don’t feel “stuck here” as so many seem to right now. I’m enjoying the time and connecting with my family. Stay safe, stay well, stay home!
Peaceful & Easy Sundays
- sunshine, 74 degrees, green grass, trees blooming, my first yellow tulip… Spring has sprung YES!!!
- beautiful day in every way
- enjoying some much needed alone time today
- missing and whining about my much needed manicure/ pedicure and a well timed “don’t sweat the small stuff, this to shall pass from my daughter.” We teach them, then they teach us.
- the resiliency of the human spirit
- another day of health for those I love and know and for myself. Thank you Lord! Stay well everyone
- another day!
- sleeping in
- my wonderful, loving family
- that God hears, answers and watches over my family and I
- never taking life, things or people for granted
- talking, laughing and just being still
- this day, every second is precious
Embracing the Goodness
- we are well, thank you God
- our needs are met
- an abundance of time to reflect
- finding our way through the madness
- remembering that this too shall pass and that God has us
- the gift of another day
Monday Blessings!
- the wellness of my family, friends and those that I know
- home where I am loved and supported and safe and well
- realizing once again how fragile life really is and how every second should be embraced and enjoyed
- love and more love
- showing up every day, the good and the not so good
- the gift of this day
Just a little love…
- I’m well, my family is well, all my friends and the folks I know well…thank you God!
- all the love that surrounds me
- thinking outside the box
- life being full of beautiful moments, even in the tough times
- even the smallest chance to make a difference in the lives of others
- feeling positive in the midst of these trying times
- this day