All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

New Week, New Day!

  1. warmth and shelter on a bitterly cold night… I wish everyone could have it
  2. manicures and pedicures
  3. a new supply of Kindle books
  4. sharing, smiling growing… repeat
  5. thoughtfulness in any form
  6. the aroma of mulled cider which permeates  my house
  7. my new scented wax burner (a gift from one of my sisters
  8. God’s never-ending care for mine and me

  1. that God hears, answers and watches over my family and I
  2. my wonderful family
  3. making my moments count
  4. seeing someone unexpectedly and totally turning my day around.
  5. being blessed beyond measure, far more than I truly deserve


  1. a great omelette with my coffee
  2. honest people
  3. early morning quiet
  4. shelter and warmth on this cold day
  5. the safety and well-being of my loved ones
  6. progress in unexpected ways
  7. warm blankets, soft pillows and clean sheets

Sweet dreams to all!