Category Archives: Gratitude

Sunday- Grateful

Songs in Worship so beautiful that you vow to look up the lyrics . Thank you Ian and the faithful foursome.

Meaningful message. Closing song choked him up. The spirit was a moving in Church today.

Making plans for  a trip to the Retreat House in New York. I love these sisters in Christ.

Coffee Hour. Something for everyone. Abundance to freeze.

Cheese marvelous in moderation. Inexpensive cookies that don’t taste cheap.

Finding frozen chicken when you need it. Chicken Gusto. Yum!

Reading a good book. Interrupted by phone call but knowing we are made to listen.

Rain coming. The world will pause!

The Island Girls

The Island Girls are coming for dinner on Monday!

Did my kitchen floor and shopping today

I have to make tea sandwiches – I just can’t stop myself

They are bringing wine, appetizers, and dessert

I don’t know if this will be a logical dinner or not!

I think it will be more fun in the mystery!

P.S. One day, many years ago, Linda, Kathy, Rose, and I went to Kelley’s Island in Lake Erie. We rented a golf cart and laughed and laughed as we be-bopped all over the island. That is why we are the Island Girls!

Brilliant Idea

Not grateful for the steep steps that lead to second floor of our home. Time for a change!

Trying to figure out how to create a downstairs bedroom?

Eureka I have an idea! Just rearrange! Some things up and some down.

Hubby reluctantly agrees. The cats will adjust!

Muscles will be provided by youngest. They seem to understand the scheme.

Hinges on getting new mattresses. And I was wishing for that already.

Is 49th Anniversary Mattress? It can be!

I can be patient as car repair comes first.

Hey universe make this work!

Wonders yet to unfold

🌟 Grateful for the wonders yet to unfold in my life:

  • I am filled with gratitude for the amazing individuals I will cross paths with, whose presence will bring beauty and joy into my life. I eagerly anticipate the wonderful friendships that will blossom and enrich my journey.
  • I am grateful for the breathtaking destinations I will explore, as each new place holds the promise of unforgettable experiences. The opportunity to capture these moments through photography fills me with gratitude, and I appreciate the freedom and resources that enable me to travel and discover.
  • I express deep appreciation for the stability and security provided by my job, which ensures that I have the means to pursue my passions and embark on new adventures. I am grateful for the resources that support my endeavors and allow me to embrace the opportunities that come my way.
  • I am thankful for the kindness and support I have received from others, both in the past and those who will lend a helping hand in the future. Equally important, I am grateful for the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of others, extending my support and gratitude to those who may need it.
  • I am grateful for the invaluable lessons I have learned from individuals who may not even be aware of the impact they had on me. Their wisdom and experiences have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am thankful for the growth and knowledge that their influence has brought into my life.

🎈 Grateful for yesterday:

  • I am grateful for the tranquility and inner peace I experienced throughout the day, allowing me to find solace and contentment in every moment. The quietude of the night provided a space for reflection and rejuvenation, leading to a restful and rejuvenating sleep.
  • I express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with numerous individuals during the new project. The warm welcome and acceptance I received from them filled me with appreciation and a sense of belonging. The connections forged have enriched my life and opened doors to exciting possibilities.

Keep Them Safe

Picture of car after red truck hit Nicole’s car. Grateful she wasn’t hurt!

Reading about a carjacking. Kids in the car weren’t hurt.

Car is running and I got errands run.

Touching base with oldest. School starts next week. Choir has already started.

Meat, Potato,Veggies. Friend is having oatmeal.

Friend recovering from an accident is regaining strength.

Numerous calls today. Many messages. Lots of love!

Grateful for my blue phone that though it got wet yesterday keeps me in touch with friends and family.

This is a good day!

Yesterday I had the blues. I could have napped on and off all day long.

When I woke up this morning, I looked at my nightgown and saw flamingos.

Then I decided that it would be a good day.

All day long when I started to negatively drift, I said to myself – this is a good day.

I have rarely experienced a turnaround this fast.

Redirecting my negative thoughts in an uncomplicated and nonjudgmental way was a miracle to me.

This is a good day, indeed!

Are You Feeling Grateful?

Cat looks grateful. Has food,water and a cool place to nap.

Hubby is grateful. Bacon is cooking. He can spend some time playing games on his laptop.

Son-in-law’s birthday. Happy 45th! Grateful for you!

Honorary daughter coming to town next week. She has some Summer things to do.

No immediate need for prayers. Whisper thoughts of gratitude.

Trying to avoid the habit of complaining. Replace it with gratitude!

Grateful for this day. The beauty of the Summer. Play to attend tonight. I am grateful!

A Picnic At The Pool

The variety of foods at a picnic. So many tastes to be grateful for.

Veggies. salsa, bean salad.pasta salad,veggie pizza. sliders and stromboli.

Deviled eggs fall in a category by itself. Luckily three people brought some.

Too many desserts to list and just a nibble of a few.

Conversation with your friends. Shared laughter. Inquiries to teacher who had surgery.

First goodbye to Summer as outdoor classes end. Pool closed in a few weeks.

Blessed to have such good food. Grateful for the water to drink.

As one woman said as she left-back to reality! It was fun!

August Already

Swim class when temperature is in the 60’s. Grateful that most of the time I’m in a heated inside pool.

Breakfast after with a friend. Waitress knew we were sharing and caring. Sometimes a girlfriend needs a girlfriend.

When your kid comes through saying just the right thing over the phone. Brought us both to tears.

Easy drop off for back to school donations. Grateful to those at Church who donated. Grateful to those at Good Neighbors who accepted them.

Schools will be starting. One did! Watch school zones and check your closets for clothes.

Noting the beautiful Summer flowers in their glory.

Potential car trouble. Friends who suggest mechanics. Confidence that it will be OK.

Grateful for happy days and peaceful nights.