- waking up this morning, I know it was you God
- a short walk with my hubby this morning before the heat becomes stifling
- a great cup of coffee to start my day
- every step I take ( weak though they are some days I continue to walk against all odds)
- perseverance, it is such a blessings
- family, to love and be loved is a beautiful gift
- the richness of connection
Category Archives: Gratitude
Thank You for Barbie!
It’s been a fun Barbie week!
Went to see the “Barbie” movie with Dottie and Mary Ellen
Took my commemorative Barbie doll to watch the movie with us!
Wore a pink gingham shirt to match my Barbie doll’s dress
Took photos with the poster
Lots of moviegoers had pink on and Barbie T-shirts
Yesterday I went to see the movie for the second time with David, Rose, and Maribeth (daughter)
I even liked it better the second time, so did my Barbie doll
There’s a surprise ending, but that’s all I am saying!
1. I am grateful for having access to clean water and nourishing food that sustains my body.
2. I am grateful for the wonderful experience of virtually walking alongside my parents by the sea through a messenger app.
3. I am grateful for the refreshing and restorative gift of a good night’s sleep.
4. I am grateful for the encouragement and assistance of my supportive colleagues at work.
5. I am grateful for the basic necessities of a safe and comfortable shelter, including a roof over my head, a cozy bed, and a soft pillow.
6. I am grateful for the peaceful and serene surroundings of my neighborhood that provide a sense of calm and security.
After The Storm
Woke to thunder (I am safe,cool and dry) Thank you house!
Power didn’t go out(No fumbling and stumbling in the dark) Some areas not so lucky
Prayers for those in direct path! (Hope they got alert) Tornado warning cancelled
Looking out on the day (No branches down) Glad you are safe car.
Sunshine illuminates the flowers and grass (Green, purple and pink) Grateful no damage to yard
Anton coming to mow. (Grateful for him) It will look nice!
Heat broke. ( Pleasant to sit out) Grateful for calm morning
Hymns from childhood
I am thankful for the privilege of attending decent schools with wonderful teachers who instilled in me a love for learning and curiosity about the world.
I am also grateful for my private teacher who taught me Coptic hymns, a skill that has enriched my spiritual life. I owe this opportunity to my dad, who recognized my interest and arranged for the lessons.
Thanks to my dad’s encouragement, I also took swim classes as a child, and I am grateful for overcoming my fear of water and developing a lifelong love for swimming.
My grandparents’ house holds a special place in my heart, and I am thankful for the quality time I spent there, especially for my grandmother’s delicious food that nourished me both physically and emotionally.
Lastly, I am grateful for the time I spent with my uncle as a child, who imparted valuable life lessons and taught me to appreciate the simple joys in life.
Crockpot (pork already cooking)
Air conditioner
Lightweight clothing
Iced coffee.( Forgive me for my frustration with the employees at Mickey D)
Chocolate chip muffin
Prayers for traveling family and friends
A early morning hike.Pictures to prove it!
28 july 2023 – The second day
As I begin my second day in a new country for a project in its northern coast, I feel immense gratitude. The warm welcome I received upon arrival, my smooth flight, and the opportunity for new beginnings all fill me with appreciation.
I am thankful for the air conditioner in my room, which has made my stay comfortable. I am also grateful for the sound sleep it has afforded me, allowing me to wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.
In this age of technology, I appreciate the internet that has enabled me to stay connected with my parents despite the distance. It has been a source of comfort to share updates with them and hear their voices.
Lastly, I am grateful for my friends who have been checking in on me and reaching out. Their concern and support have been a reminder of the love and connection that transcend borders and distance.
Power Outage
Astounding Summer storm with rain and thunder.
Storm over but- blink- darkness.
Grateful Supper was made and that I had eaten.
Porch was coolest and lightest place as the sun appeared only to set.
Hubby listening to police scanner through his phone. Glad he is entertained but would rather talk.
Grateful we weren’t hit hard. Tree across the road just a city away.
No power loses its glamour but brings gratitude for lights and electricity.Glad it was only a few hours.
Heat Wave
“Heat Wave” by Ella Fitzgerald to start the day.
Cool water of the pool. Exercise and conversation.
Cool morning burning into heat. Drenching the hanging baskets.
Overhead fan is keeping me cool. AC will rescue us later.
Humming along to music as I count my blessings.
Blessings on anyone who can’t escape the heat.God bless us all!
Tuesday Fun
Getting in the spirit. Let go and embrace fun!
Gave me a Halloween vibe to pick out a pink outfit.
Everything is vibrant today.Energy and enthusiasm.
Enjoyed water exercise because pool is closing for maintenance.
Hot days I can go to outside pool with pass to closed pool.
Remembering my vow to enjoy last half of Summer.
Playing a 102 point word in Words With Friends. Remembering to be a gracious winner.
Time to shower! Grateful for that squeaky clean feeling! Water blessed.
My daughter’s birthday. She is too far away. But I will be thinking of her all day. Hope she has Fun!
You too!