Monthly Archives: June 2011

grateful for my abilities

So many focus on their inabilities instead of being grateful for all their abilities.

Today’s list is all about how  I am grateful for my abilities :

To change and grow.

To love, family, friends and even strangers.

To be able to make money in this difficult economy and do a job I love.

To find my blessings in all situations, even when they don’t immediately reveal themselves.

To be able to go to the gym work with my trainer and get healthy and smaller.

To be able to take care of my family, financially, emotionally, physically and materially.

To be able to laugh even during tough times.

To be resilient.

To live a life full of love, gratitude and happiness!!!!!!!!

Resting Gratitude

1. An absolutely wonderful time with my BBBS little sis
2. Little reminders when I forget something important
3. Ginger tea
4. Long drives
5. Sun
6. Working outside
7. Fun opportunities
8. Reminders to take it easy
9. True rest
10. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time” -John Lubbock

Summertime Yumminess

1) strawberry picking time with my girls this afternoon…this has become a summertime tradition for us & I absolutely love it! We picked 20lbs, just the three of us! And they’re oh so yummy

2) big smooches on little girl cheeks. Scrumptious.

3) the sound of rain

4) clam steamers cooked in garlic/white wine yumminess

5) an amazing new recipe I tried this evening…so so good–risotto with asparagus, snow peas, squash, Parmesan, shallots, white wine, lemon–so delicious

6) a brand new book that I can’t wait to read

7) good friends

8) how sweetly my girls played together this evening…I so appreciate it when they enjoy each other (something I definitely don’t take for granted)

9) a little time to have a conversation with my husband without 2 dozen interruptions

10) Kleenex…I swear I’ve used two hundred today (serious allergies)

11) sleeping, cozy cat at my feet. I adore her


1.Pure kindness
2.When you know you’re hearing directly from a person’s spirit
3.Clear air
4.Finally being able to see the blessing (I knew it was there!!)
5.Friendships that nourish
6.Doing the work
7.The universe supports me 100%, 100% of the time. Always.
8.Thank you God! that I never have to go back and do the same work over again. Once it’s done, it’s done. It’s impossible to go backwards.
9.Physical resilience


1. Being productive

2. Successful projects

3. An unexptected phone call from one of my favorite people :)

4. Good advice

5. The internet

6. Getting answers

7. Fun plans

8. Good nutrition

9. Fresh, local cherries

10. Lake Erie

Team Gratitude

1. Helen’s Typoes, Typoz, Typos! ;) List
2. Garrett’s Every grain of sand list
3. A wonderful anniversary dinner with my husband
4. Our favorite Thai place
5. A nice walk at the park
6. After a good bike ride
7. Finding new music
8. Making fun plans
9. Working together
10. “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” -Babe Ruth

Typoes, Typoz, Typos! :)

I am grateful for~

 1.   Typos
 2.   Looking for them reinforces my need to pause
 3.   Finding them reinforces a chance to fix things
 4.   Overlooking them reinforces the skill of others who find them
 5.   Being told about them afterwards reinforces my need for humility
 6.   Ackowledging that Spellcheck doesn’t catch all reminds me that I cannot control everything
 7.   Seeing them years later in previous copy reinforces that despite best my efforts mistakes happen
 8.    Finding them in copy that is not my own reinforces efforts at gentleness to others
 9.    Reading them in published copy by AP reinforces that mistakes are a universal constant
10.  Attempting to type again, acknowledging their shadow, reinforces my journey of resilience :)

The night never wants to end, to give itself over
to light. So it traps itself in things: obsidian, crows.
Even on summer solstice, the day of light’s great
triumph, where fields of sunflowers guzzle in the sun —
we break open the watermelon and spit out
black seeds, bits of night glistening on the grass. Joseph Stroud, Night in Day

Every grain of sand

1. God

2. Every grain of sand, and Jason remarking that he’s like just one grain of sand and maybe insignificant but if all the other grains of sand felt that way the beach would be gone.

3. Making do

4. A new recipe that worked

5, Not being stingy with my time

6. Allowing others space

7. Sunshine

8. John O talking about apologizing and keeping it simple and committing to act differently moving forward

9. Brene Brown on boundaries and accountability in the Gifts of Imperfection

10. Beautiful pictures of Strasbourg where my brother and his family live, I would like to go there


1.Injuries that aren’t as bad as they could’ve been

2.Fun synchronicities

3.Keeping your head


5.Music from a different time in your life

6.Putting it back together after it breaks

7.Bustin’ the dance moves loose


