All posts by branstetter412

Coming through hard times

Grateful for being able to live life one day at a time during what feel like really tough times. Realizing that despite health challenges, life has provided many gifts right now.  Including my ability to read this board on at least a weekly basis.

1.  Twin Daughters who are full of life and laughter (and energy).

2.  Gift of being married to a kind and empathetic wife and mother.

3. Good friend Andrew who is calling right now.

4. Parents who love me.

Today I am grateful for:

-Today being better than yesterday.  And that I gave myself a break last night when reviewing my day.  I will have a cruddy day from time to time, everyone will.  I am grateful that today I can have those days and be much less of a tornado in my life and the lives of those close to me.

-Giving myself a break on needing to be perfect.  This also gives others around me a break.

-Friend Willy treated me to racing go-karts this afternoon.  It was fun.

-Mom bought new shoes for the twin daughters.

-Upcoming vacation.

Today I am grateful for:

– Being able to spend most of the day with my twin daughters.  They are 19 months old and change and grow so much on a daily basis.  It is a lot of work, definitely the hardest job I have ever taken on, but well worth the efforts.

– Hearing the word “Daddy” several hundred times today.

– Random hugs.

– Appreciative wife.

– Loving and helpful parents.

Twin Toddlers

Today I am grateful for:

– The ability to see the love, fun and goodness in our twin toddler daughters.  To see that love, fun and goodness even when I am temporarily burnt out, frustrated, stressed out, etc…  To always see the goodness.

– Call from a good friend Andrew.

-Scooter teaching me about tennis today.

– The loyalty of my wife.  Her ability to tolerate my moodiness.  I love her so much.

– Help from Mom and Dad (even when you are 43)

Self Help

Today I am grateful for:

-The book I am reading on increasing self confidence.  I have benefited from reading many spiritual books, but this is the first “self-help” in a long time.  And I need some help.  And I have learned it is OK to ask for help.  And sometimes that help comes from a person talking to me through a book.

-Beginning to understand that it is OK for me to change my thinking.  Instead of thinking about “worse case” scenarios and doom and gloom, think about positive / goal oriented outcomes.

-Understanding that I will never be absolutely certain about a major concern in my life:  Career.  If I change my career, it will be a risk, and that is OK.

-Learning that persistance (doing a lot of right little actions over and over) pays off.



Today I am grateful for:

-Upcoming vacation with family.  Nice condo on the Gulf Coast.

-Opportunity to change Six (6) dirty “number 2” diapers today.  A few years back I did not believe we would have children.

-Waking up early.

-Louie the cat.  Always there for me.

-Mom and Dad

-Good Food

-Great neighbors

Today I am grateful for:

– The consistency of my friend Andrew.

– Finally got a good picture of our twins together in which they are smiling and neither is moving.

– Communicating with my wife and having learned (the hard way) the importance of communication.

– Having great brother and sister in laws.

– Big family picnic yesterday and seeing Uncle Fred.  Also getting an email from cousin Doug.

Tennis with Scooter

Today I am grateful for:

– This guy named Scooter who is patiently and freely helping me improve my tennis game

– Being able to run around a tennis court

– Today’s serenity (this too shall pass and likely return)

– A great book I am reading on self confidence.  One interesting thing the author said that resonated with me is:  You already have confidence, but unfortunately this confidence is in the fact that you have no confidence

– My wife and twin daughters, and Louie the cat

Good Enough

Today I am grateful for:

– Knowing I am good enough.  Knowing I will forget I am good enough.  And knowing I can remember again.

– Being able to take twin daughters to a toddler fun class at the local early childhood center.

– How my wife pokes fun at me in a loving way.

– The spiritual experience I had yesterday (now why can’t I replicate it today!!)

– Family