Monthly Archives: November 2011

Catchers and Throwers

Very grateful for

Skipping Black Friday
Catching up
The central heat, responding to our switching-on request and coming to life after nine months of dormancy
The poems from Garrett’s list, especially this hopeful thought~~ “No, I will go on farther—and we shall see.”
God as Jehovah Jireh 
Sweet Potato Pie with cinnamon roll crust

Pausing from worry to receive…
…and celebrate

Watching DWTS with Dad and taking a sip of cider every time someone said the word “MirrorBall”

Don’t let the indifference of people leave you cold, remember to keep the Light & warmth within you ~advice

1. God
2. Warm days
3. Noticing something new in different moments, like a beautiful house I’d never seen, no matter how many times I’d passed this way
4. A porch
5. Making a calendar with iPhoto
6. Days off
7. Moe, I admire her and she makes me smile and laugh
8. Pictures from Cassie
9. Cleaning up
10. A dictionary and seeing different meanings and usage of words

Fortunately Thankful

Thankful for God, who is love and protection

Thankful for Amelia

Thankful for WLD, Belle, Garrett, and the extremely tolerant community here

Thankful for freedom and for those who fought and fight for it.

Thankful for the sacrifice of the families supporting our soldiers

Thankful for missionaries and ministers whose life is service

Thankful for trustworthy neighbors and friends

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. ~Cicero

He who thanks with his lips thanks but in part, the full, the true Thanksgiving comes from the heart ~J.A. Shedd

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything
Thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy Thanksgiving

1. God

2. A Thanksgiving inspiration from Belle.  Congratulations and thank you, Belle!!!!

3. Pegasus rubbing up against me

4. Being connected to so many grateful people

5. Phone call from John C

6. Change of scene for Peter K

7. Telling a different story, which I learned from Belle

8. Being present to this moment

9. An opportunity to be with family in the present and not in the stories of the past, which I also learned from Belle

10. Thanksgiving Proclamation

Thanksgiving Blessings

Carol Bailey Floyd’s wonderful tribute to this Thanksgiving week…thank you, Carol!

Pausing between things that need to be accomplished for tomorrow’s family gathering.

55 degrees today!…after our blowing snow and cold only a few days ago.

Gas going down to $3.43

Being in awe of Garrett’s poetry references of Nov. 20…Thank You Garrett for taking me away! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Blessings to you all!!

1. God

2. Safe travels

3. Charles coming to visit

4. Eggplant

5. Spinach

6.Giving gifts

7. Love

8. Finding keys

9. Wisdom from Helen

10. “Why are you searching for more knowledge when you don’t know what it is you already know?”  Zen Comics



1) the howl of the wind and rain right now…makes me so grateful to be tucked into the warmth of my home
2) the creative process..such new & magical places it can take me if I open & allow
3) the sound of the train in the distance…makes me want to hop on one & see where it takes me
4) my little girls
5) deep breaths
6) ease and comfort and cozy pjs
7) hot tea by hot fires
8) fun game time with my family this evening
9) wisdom like this
10) big green salads with feta cheese
11) connections that get to the heart of things

Thankful Every Day!

1.  This is our week!  Hooray!

2.  Lots of people are talking about gratitude.

3.  My life changed dramatically when I took gratitude out of Thanksgiving week and invited it into my everyday life.

4.  Thank you to “Good List Daily” and and “We Love Gratitude” for giving me a place to express my gratefulness.

5.  Thank you to Simple Abundance by Sara Ban Breathnach for introducing me to the idea of a gratitude list many years ago — listing five things I’m grateful for at the end of each day.

6.  It is such a sheer pleasure to meet someone who shares a grateful approach to living!

7.  I just met Mayra from this website over the weekend — yippee!

8.  Even on days when really upsetting things are happening, there are also many things for which I can be grateful, and they outweigh the worst of circumstances.

9.  Gratitude is so powerful, it can turn lives around in miraculous ways.

10.  Happy Thanksgiving week to all of us thanks givers!  Yahoo!

Thank you, Belle, for our wonderful website!  And thanks to everyone who posts and/or reads!